Category Archives: Feminism


So, I’ve been a bit incommunicado thanks to the intensity of my clinical schedule, and the fact that last week was our first exam, and I was busy spending every spare minute studying for it (I’m very pleased to report that I did well on my exam, despite my deepest concerns regarding my sincere lack […]

Also posted in Choice, Issues, Midwifery, News, Politics, Primary Care, Research, STIs, Women's Health | 2 Comments

NAPW guest bloggers over at Feministing

Amanda from Pandagon and Jessica from Feministing, both of whom were lucky enough to attend the National Advocates for Pregnant Women Summit a few weeks ago, decided to continue to explore many of the issues and topics covered at the summit through weekly guest bloggers hosted on Feministing. The first two are up already: Jill […]

Also posted in Choice, Issues, Litigation, Midwifery, Politics, Pregnancy | Leave a comment

The news from the NAPW summit

National Advocates for Pregnant Women just concluded its 4 day Summit To Ensure the Health and Humanity of Birthing Women in Atlanta, GA, this past weekend. This summit, one of the first of its kind, was organized by NAPW and NAPW’s director, Lynn Paltrow, to explore the grey area where pregnancy, birth and the law […]

Also posted in Choice, Fertility and Conception, Homebirth, Hospitals, Issues, Labor and Birth, Litigation, Midwifery, Politics, Pregnancy, VBAC | Leave a comment

Mother kicked off Delta airline for breastfeeding

Wow, this really makes my blood boil: a woman was recently kicked off of a Delta airline because she was breastfeeding her daughter. Isn’t it hard enough traveling with young children without being penalized for trying to feed them? Sheesh! It’s high time Congresswoman Maloney’s Breastfeeding Promotion Act was passed. Please take 2 minutes and […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Politics | 3 Comments


I’m running off to class this morning, and I do apologize for the severe lack of posting that’s been happening around this place, but here’s some quick news for all of you: First, the people of South Dakota have spoken loud and clear when it comes to more restrictive abortion legislation. Women’s Health News has […]

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NYC breastfeeding test

In response to the highly publicized nurse-in at Toys ‘R Us a few weeks ago, Daily News writer Tracy Connor decided to conduct her own test of NYC’s breastfeeding tolerance by nursing her 3 month old daughter in a variety of public places around the city. You can read the entire article over at Hip […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Politics, Postpartum | Leave a comment

An update on the Toys ‘R Us nurse-in

Apparently, 300 people showed up to last week’s Nurse-in at Toys ‘R Us! Wow! Go NYC breastfeeding community! It’s so sad that actions like this are even needed in the first place, but I bet Toys ‘R Us will never make the mistake of harrassing and calling security on a breastfeeding woman again, and every […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Miscellaneous, Politics | 1 Comment

ACLU joins the Toys ‘R Us fray

Just a quick update on the Toys ‘R Us breastfeeding harrassment I posted about the other day: the ACLU has taken up Chelsi Meyerson’s cause. While breastfeeding harrassment and intolerance probably occurs every minute of every day all over this country, it’s not every day that the ACLU gets involved. So this is really becoming […]

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National Advocates for Pregnant Women

Today I missed one hell of an opportunity: I was invited, along with several other feminist bloggers and activists (and cheers to Melissa from A Womb of Her Own for asking them to extend the invitiation my way), to partipate in a conference call with Lynn Paltrow, the executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant […]

Also posted in Choice, Politics, Pregnancy, Violence Against Women | Leave a comment

Breastfeeding harassment in our own backyard

CORRECTION: Nurse-in at Toys ‘R Us Times Square will occur at 11:00 am on Thurs. 9/21, and not 10:30. Breastfeeding harassment in the Big Apple, at a children’s store, no less. And how ironic that this should happen here, in NY State, where we have some of the most protective and progressive breastfeeding legislature of […]

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