Category Archives: Babies!

An Oversupply Issue

When you hear about breastfeeding in the world and the blogosphere, usually it’s either to educate women on the merits of breastfeeding, or to discuss women’s right to breastfeed in public, or to promote breastfeeding in general, or lament the low breastfeeding stats in our country.  We all know that breast is best, but you […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Postpartum | 2 Comments

The first growth spurt–truly no joke!!

I knew, going into all of this, that all babies hit their first growth spurt around 3 weeks or so, and that during this time they want to nurse constantly and are more fussy than usual.  I actually, logically KNEW about this before it happened; I had advised mothers about this, told women that this […]

Posted in Babies! | 7 Comments

Bloomberg boosts breastfeeding

Via Gothamist, New York City mayor Mike Bloomber has recently pledged $2 million dollars to city-run hospitals for the promotion of breastfeeding, with the goal of getting more women to breastfeed for six months or longer. “We don’t yet have any hospitals in New York City that meet national ‘baby-friendly’ standards,” Bloomberg’s health commissioner, Dr. […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Politics, Postpartum | 1 Comment

Breastfeeding triumphant

I’ve been working the past two nights, and absolutely loving it, actually. I’ve been on Postpartum, and have just had a lovely crop of women to take care of. Sadly, at my hospital, most women tend to keep their babies in the nursery all night, despite my best efforts to encourage rooming-in. And sadly, breastfeeding […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Postpartum | 7 Comments


Now here is a diaper product it seems like I can really throw my weight behind: Flushable diapers! What a neat idea: putting the solid waste where it belongs, in a toilet, rather than a landfill. Another environmentally friendly alternative to disposables, and perhaps these diapers are even a bit better than cloth (and certainly […]

Also posted in New Products, Postpartum | 10 Comments

Colicky Babes, Part Deux

Don’t you just love it when birthing or breastfeeding or babies makes it to the front page of the New York Times? I do! Go check out today’s front page (well, the online front page, at least). There’s a very fun article there by Nina Bernstein about the diversity of colic remedies for new babies—as […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Postpartum | 3 Comments

Colicky babies

A friend with a colicky baby has suddenly begun to swear by this method of colic massage. First decent sleep she’s gotten in weeks, apparently! Who knows, maybe it will work wonders on your own colicky baby too. Check it out.

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