Monthly Archives: June 2005

NYS Legislature supports Morning After Pill

Well, here’s a rare bright spot in the current too-scary world of birth control and women’s reproductive choices. While many other states are in the midst of restricting access, or passing laws that will allow their pharmacists to refuse to fill birth control prescriptions, New York State has done what I consider to be a […]

Posted in Choice, Contraception, Feminism, Politics, Primary Care | 1 Comment

Blessingways and Rites of Passage

I attended a fantastic workshop last week entitled Birth Altars and Blessingways: Using Ritual to Transform Birth, which really got me thinking about the major rite of passage inherent in birth, and how our society has a tendency to gloss it over with a thick veneer of materialism and call it a done deal. While […]

Posted in Myth, Folklore and Ritual, Pregnancy | 2 Comments

You can still have a homebirth in NYC

Speaking of articles on labor and birth in the news, check out this lovely piece on homebirth in the New York Times: Home Delivery Is Availabe, by Anemona Hartocollis.

Posted in Homebirth, Midwifery | Leave a comment

VBACs only slightly less safe than repeat cesarean

Whenever news abour labor and birth hits the mainstream media, I sit up and take notice. The fold-out section on Women’s Health in this sunday’s New York Times certainly caught my attention, and while perusing it, I read the following tidbit in Eric Nagourney’s article about shifting health guidelines for women: Caesarean Birth There was […]

Posted in Cesarean Birth, Labor and Birth, VBAC | Leave a comment