Category Archives: Sex and Sexuality

The Great Wall of Vagina

Wow, I stumbled upon the work of UK artist Jamie McCartney, and was pretty much blown away.  You have to visit his site ASAP: The Great Wall of Vagina.  The 9 metre long polyptych consists of four hundred plaster casts of vulvas, all of them unique, arranged into ten large panels. McCartney set out to make […]

Also posted in Birth Art, Feminism, Good Enough to Share | 2 Comments

Newsworthy 11/11/08

One week after our historic election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, here’s a very interesting article on what his presidency might mean for Women’s Health (of the non-“airquotes” variety), namely improved access to birth control and sex education (i.e. the federal government no longer funding abstinence-only programs), a reversal […]

Also posted in Choice, Complications, Contraception, Education, Feminism, Labor and Birth, Politics, Pregnancy, Research, Women's Health | 4 Comments

Female Genital Circumcision revisited

A few weeks ago, Dark Daughta over at One Tenacious Baby Mama asked me for a contribution to her new weekly series entitled Reloaded, which happens every Sunday and features old posts that are worth posting and reading a second time (oldies but goodies, as she calls them). She wanted posts that I was particularly […]

Also posted in Choice, Education, Feminism, Myth, Folklore and Ritual, Politics, Violence Against Women | Leave a comment

ACNM Annual Meeting: Day Two

After signing off yesterday, I had some lunch then promptly attended three educational sessions in a row, two of which I paged. The first was entitled Cervical Ripening: What We Know and Why A Paradigm Shift is Needed for Reducing the Incidence of Preterm Birth, which focused on how our preterm labor treatments (tocolytics) are […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Complications, Education, Issues, Labor and Birth, Menopause, Midwifery, News, Politics | 1 Comment

Happy Valentine’s Day

One of the midwives at the clinical site where I am working has a sign on her locker that says: Support Midwives, Make Love. In that vein, here are eleven tips which were given to us by our guest lecturer on Sexual Health last year: For a Better Sexual Life: Suggestions that Work! 1. Connect […]

Posted in Sex and Sexuality | Leave a comment


Better late than never: check out this article from the New York Times magazine last weekend, which featured a long, in-depth look at the growing anti-contraception movement in America. A few highlights includes a detailed description of the entire Plan B over-the-counter approval-process debacle which happened last year, culminating in the resignation of Susan Woods, […]

Also posted in Choice, Contraception, Feminism, Politics | Leave a comment

The eroticism of birth

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about pain and birth. Or actually, pleasure and birth. Kimberly Bobrow’s website is what first got the wheels turning. In addition to the article on the language of breastfeeding that I was raving about last week, I also discovered this very interesting discussion about the eroticism of birth (a […]

Also posted in Labor and Birth | 5 Comments

Hysterical paroxysms

Slate has put together a very amusing

Also posted in Feminism | 1 Comment