Category Archives: Menstruation

Ovulating while breastfeeding

A friend of a friend recently asked me a question that I couldn’t answer. She is in her late 30s, has a two year old daughter, and has been breastfeeding on demand for the past two years. She and her husband have been trying to have another child, but she just recently learned that she […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Fertility and Conception, Miscarriage, Questions | 9 Comments

The Keeper

We’ve been talking so much about menstruation lately that it seems only natural that the subject of alternative menstrual gear would come up at some point. In fact, just last week we were talking about it after class one day, and I ended up bringing my Keeper to school with me to show to a […]

Also posted in Feminism, New Products, The Soapbox, Women's Health | 8 Comments

Menstrual Magic

The curse, the red tide, my period, my monthly, my friend, on the rag, on the spurt, and on and on. All the jokes, all the whining, all the bitching, all the unfair media portrayal, the cultural stigma, the fear, the shame…menstruation gets such a bad rep that, at the very least, I felt it […]

Also posted in Academia, Contraception, Fertility and Conception, Primary Care | 2 Comments