Monthly Archives: February 2007


So, I’ve been a bit incommunicado thanks to the intensity of my clinical schedule, and the fact that last week was our first exam, and I was busy spending every spare minute studying for it (I’m very pleased to report that I did well on my exam, despite my deepest concerns regarding my sincere lack […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Issues, Midwifery, News, Politics, Primary Care, Research, STIs, Women's Health | 2 Comments

A foot!

The strangest vaginal exam I’ve ever had so far happened two nights ago, on my first night-shift clinical rotation, when a woman in early labor came to triage. She was full term, she’d had some light spotting, hadn’t felt the baby move as much as normal in the past 24 hours, and was contracting about […]

Posted in Clinicals, Complications, Education, Labor and Birth | Leave a comment

Happy Valentine’s Day

One of the midwives at the clinical site where I am working has a sign on her locker that says: Support Midwives, Make Love. In that vein, here are eleven tips which were given to us by our guest lecturer on Sexual Health last year: For a Better Sexual Life: Suggestions that Work! 1. Connect […]

Posted in Sex and Sexuality | Leave a comment

Bloomberg boosts breastfeeding

Via Gothamist, New York City mayor Mike Bloomber has recently pledged $2 million dollars to city-run hospitals for the promotion of breastfeeding, with the goal of getting more women to breastfeed for six months or longer. “We don’t yet have any hospitals in New York City that meet national ‘baby-friendly’ standards,” Bloomberg’s health commissioner, Dr. […]

Posted in Babies!, Breastfeeding, Politics, Postpartum | 1 Comment

Open letter to the AABC

Dear American Association of Birth Centers: I have a lot of respect for you. I feel that you’re a very informed and informative organization, providing countless resources for both families seeking a birth center experience, and for midwives, doctors, nurses and other care providers and community advocates who are interested in opening up birth centers […]

Posted in Birth Centers, Midwifery, Politics | Leave a comment

NAPW guest bloggers over at Feministing

Amanda from Pandagon and Jessica from Feministing, both of whom were lucky enough to attend the National Advocates for Pregnant Women Summit a few weeks ago, decided to continue to explore many of the issues and topics covered at the summit through weekly guest bloggers hosted on Feministing. The first two are up already: Jill […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Issues, Litigation, Midwifery, Politics, Pregnancy | Leave a comment

Texas HPV vaccine controversy

Texas governer Rick Perry has recently signed an Executive Order requiring all girls between the ages of 11 and 12 to be vaccinated with Gardasil, Merck’s new HPV vaccine, which is currently the only vaccine on the market that treats HPV (other HPV vaccines from other companies are in the pipeline and soon to be […]

Posted in Choice, Gynecology, Politics, Primary Care, STIs, Women's Health | 5 Comments

Tight shoulders

So, my first week of clinicals ended last week, and I am only just now having an opportunity to sit down and write about it. Let me tell you a bit about my schedule: clinicals take up roughly 42 hours a week—2 labor and delivery shifts and 2 clinic shifts—plus one day a week in […]

Posted in Birth Stories, Clinicals, Education, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Vaginal Birth | 4 Comments