Category Archives: Good Enough to Share

A wild ride so far

One month into my new job as a home birth midwife, and I must admit, I am wholly, unashamedly, unequivocally LOVING it!  I’ve attended 4 births so far, 3 of which were in the home and one of which was a transfer (and I’ll have to write more about that later, but let’s just say […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Vaginal Birth | 2 Comments

Josiah Morgan’s Birth

Another beautiful birth story to share with all of you, this time a successful VBAC in a hospital with an intense pushing phase (but all turned out well, as you shall see!). Enjoy! (And thank you, RH, for sharing your story!) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Josiah’s birth story begins the weekend before he was born. I had been […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, VBAC | Leave a comment

The Great Wall of Vagina

Wow, I stumbled upon the work of UK artist Jamie McCartney, and was pretty much blown away.  You have to visit his site ASAP: The Great Wall of Vagina.  The 9 metre long polyptych consists of four hundred plaster casts of vulvas, all of them unique, arranged into ten large panels. McCartney set out to make […]

Also posted in Birth Art, Feminism, Sex and Sexuality | 2 Comments

Ashley Sophia’s birth story

Happy Mother’s Day!  Here’s another fantastic birth story from Kim, a mother in my due date club, this one a successful VBAC with a hospital team that was very respectful of her birth plan.  Isn’t it wonderful when that happens?  Enjoy! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ On August 20th, 2010, two little pink lines appeared on a pregnancy test […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, VBAC | 2 Comments

Levi’s birth story

May has arrived again, it’s officially Spring, and I have lots of birth stories to share with all of you!  Most of these are contributions from women who were part of my Due Date Club last year when I was pregnant.  I wrote a little bit about this extraordinary  group of women in the preface […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Homebirth | Leave a comment

Holy Work

I’ve been reading a lot of birth poetry lately.  For reasons which I can’t quite yet delve into in this moment (still keeping things on the down-low, if you know what I mean), I’ve been revisiting my calling to midwifery, and finding that it is still singing it’s siren song, as strong as ever as […]

Also posted in Birth Art, Labor and Birth, Myth, Folklore and Ritual | Leave a comment

Mother of Many

I *love* this video (“Mother of Many” by Emma Lazenby, which also won the BAFTA for Best Short Animation last year).  It so perfectly portrays what the average day can be like for a hospital midwife, from the overwhelming chaos of helping so many women at the same time to the joy at every birth […]

Also posted in Birth Art, Labor and Birth, Midwifery | Leave a comment

One World Birth about to launch!

Just stumbled upon this via a friend on Facebook, and watching the welcome video just sent chills down my spine.  Two passionate filmmakers are creating an interactive, continuously-updated online TV channel focusing on nothing but birth, and the state of birth in our world right now, by interviewing the world’s leading experts in birth and […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Cesarean Birth, Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Labor Support, Midwifery, News, Vaginal Birth, VBAC | Leave a comment

Well done, NPR!

NPR has a great series up on their website right now called Beginnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Beyond, which explores myriad aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, from cultural, economic, global and scientific perspectives.  Overall, an incredibly balanced and informative series, well worth checking out (I’m especially enjoying the Baby Project, which is a blog following the […]

Also posted in Labor and Birth, Mothering, Myth, Folklore and Ritual, Postpartum, Pregnancy | Leave a comment

Sebastian’s Birth Story

Awhile ago, during the pregnancy, I joined an online forum with other women who were also pregnant and due in May, and this group of women became my “due date club.”  About halfway through our pregnancies, we decided to do a bead swap, where most of the women of the group decided to send each […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Vaginal Birth | Leave a comment