Monthly Archives: July 2005

Summer babies

Seems like everywhere I look lately, there’s a pregnant woman, which just makes me ridiculously happy. Today I was wandering around the West Village with a good friend (who also happens to be a Labor and Delivery nurse), and we both caught ourselves staring at a gorgeous woman walking right towards us, with a proud, […]

Posted in Pregnancy | 2 Comments

…and the nominee is…

… John G. Roberts. To quote from Todd S. Purdum’s NY Times article (President’s Choice of Roberts, 50, Ends a Day of Speculation): “Abortion rights groups fault [Roberts] for arguing, as deputy solicitor general for the first Bush administration in 1990, in favor of a government regulation banning abortion-related counseling in federally financed family planning […]

Posted in Choice, Politics | Leave a comment

Gotbaum report highlights “alarmingly high” C-section rates

Public Advocate and outraged citizen Betsy Gotbaum released a report on Wednesday (7.13.05) about the soaring Cesarean Section (CS) rate in New York City, which she called “alarmingly high”, noting that in some hospitals the number was nearly twice the rate recommended by the World Heath Organization and the CDC. She also noted that only […]

Posted in Cesarean Birth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Politics | Leave a comment

Exciting new homebirth study

Johnson, K.C. and Daviss, B.A. (2005) Outcomes of planned home births with certified professional midwives: large prospective study in North America. British Medical Journal (BMJ), 330: 1416. This study was published in June and is a welcome addition to the homebirth v. hospitals debate which has been raging in this country for years. Some of […]

Posted in Homebirth, Journal Articles, Research, Reviews | 1 Comment

Hysterical paroxysms

Slate has put together a very amusing

Posted in Feminism, Sex and Sexuality | 1 Comment

Supreme Court jitters

The terror of the upcoming Supreme Court nomination has been keeping me awake at night. No joke. I’d like to believe that the Supreme Court would never overturn Roe v. Wade, if only because the political backlash from such an act would devastate conservative hopes for re-election, and the Republican party would never let that […]

Posted in Choice, Politics | Leave a comment

Quick update

I’ve just noticed that all of the recent New York Times articles I’ve linked to in my last few posts have since been archived, and you now have to pay for them if you want to read them. Damn. I had no idea the NY Times was so quick when it came to archiving its […]

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