Category Archives: Breastfeeding

Grace’s Birth

Another birth story from my totally fantastic Due Date Club, this one written by Kristy.  I’ve got plenty more stories to come, but I’m trying to ration them a bit, birth story junkies that we all are.  So enjoy this lovely hospital birth with a very supportive team that did a great job of respecting […]

Also posted in Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Vaginal Birth | 2 Comments

A man’s take on breastfeeding

This story has been making the rounds, but here’s a really fantastic post on the (Wo)Men Speak Out Blog about a man’s reaction to his wife’s breastfeeding, and his eventual evolution as a man because of it.  Yes, breasts can be sexual, but they’re also incredibly functional.  He wonders if it’s our discomfort with the […]

Also posted in Mothering, Politics | Leave a comment

An Oversupply Issue

When you hear about breastfeeding in the world and the blogosphere, usually it’s either to educate women on the merits of breastfeeding, or to discuss women’s right to breastfeed in public, or to promote breastfeeding in general, or lament the low breastfeeding stats in our country.  We all know that breast is best, but you […]

Also posted in Babies!, Postpartum | 2 Comments

Lactivists v. Facebook

It’s snowing here, but here’s a little piece of news that will warm the cockles of your heart.  As we all know, there was a big stink over at Facebook awhile ago when they banned the pictures of nursing mothers, which then led to the formation of the facebook group Hey Facebook, Breastfeeding is Not […]

Also posted in News, Politics | 1 Comment

Old and New News Roundup 10/2/07

So, I’m back in the blogosphere again, and realizing that I’ve been missing a lot of important news by taking a vacation for a few months. Here’s a quick overview of some of the stories I’ve found most pressing (and/or impressive) lately, even though some of these stories are old news by blog standards, and […]

Also posted in Choice, Education, Feminism, Midwifery, Politics, Women's Health | 2 Comments

ACNM Annual Meeting: Day Two

After signing off yesterday, I had some lunch then promptly attended three educational sessions in a row, two of which I paged. The first was entitled Cervical Ripening: What We Know and Why A Paradigm Shift is Needed for Reducing the Incidence of Preterm Birth, which focused on how our preterm labor treatments (tocolytics) are […]

Also posted in Complications, Education, Issues, Labor and Birth, Menopause, Midwifery, News, Politics, Sex and Sexuality | 1 Comment


People ask me a lot of questions, and unfortunately I rarely get a chance to post very many of them here. However, I thought this was a particularly good one, and might be useful to other readers as well, so here we go: “I came across your website when I was google searching the words […]

Also posted in Postpartum, Questions, Research, Women's Health | 3 Comments

Bloomberg boosts breastfeeding

Via Gothamist, New York City mayor Mike Bloomber has recently pledged $2 million dollars to city-run hospitals for the promotion of breastfeeding, with the goal of getting more women to breastfeed for six months or longer. “We don’t yet have any hospitals in New York City that meet national ‘baby-friendly’ standards,” Bloomberg’s health commissioner, Dr. […]

Also posted in Babies!, Politics, Postpartum | 1 Comment

Mother kicked off Delta airline for breastfeeding

Wow, this really makes my blood boil: a woman was recently kicked off of a Delta airline because she was breastfeeding her daughter. Isn’t it hard enough traveling with young children without being penalized for trying to feed them? Sheesh! It’s high time Congresswoman Maloney’s Breastfeeding Promotion Act was passed. Please take 2 minutes and […]

Also posted in Feminism, Politics | 3 Comments

NYC breastfeeding test

In response to the highly publicized nurse-in at Toys ‘R Us a few weeks ago, Daily News writer Tracy Connor decided to conduct her own test of NYC’s breastfeeding tolerance by nursing her 3 month old daughter in a variety of public places around the city. You can read the entire article over at Hip […]

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