Monthly Archives: October 2005

Here we go again

Bush has now nominated Samuel A. Alito to fill Sandra Day O’Connors shoes. While I’m a bit surprised that Bush has managed to turn around so quickly and nominate another candidate so hot on the heels of Harriet Mier’s withdrawal, I’m not that surprised by the nominee. Alito is a certainly a conservative’s conservative, sure […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Politics | 1 Comment

Coercive C-sections

This is a fantastic article from, which was brought to my attention in one of the natural birth online communities I frequent. I am posting it in its entirety here, so that everyone can read it, even if you’re not subscribed to Parenting (although it’s well worth subscribing to). Can you imagine being prosecuted […]

Posted in Cesarean Birth, Labor and Birth, Litigation | 1 Comment

Suggestions, anyone?

A little administrivia. There are a few topics on this website that have no posts at all yet, or are otherwise a little thin. Which I would happily amend, but I need a few suggestions. I created the new products section because I thought it would be neat to review and discuss new products that […]

Posted in Miscellaneous | 3 Comments

The check-out

I didn’t get a chance to write about this yesterday, because it was a pretty busy day, but we had our check-out exams in the morning, and they both went very smoothly. There were de facto slip-ups, of course, but both my partner and I did well, even though I was so nervous that my […]

Posted in Academia, Education | Leave a comment

Harriet Miers steps down

So, school has been pretty intense lately, and I haven’t been posting much about events happening outside of school for quite awhile. However, this doesn’t mean I’ve stopped reading the paper. The news of the day is that Harriet Miers has stepped down from her controversial nomination to the Supreme Court, and I, for one, […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Politics | Leave a comment

Peer Pelvics

Just a brief update on the peer pelvic experience: overall, absolutely stellar. They were fun, intimate, very educational, and only marginally uncomfortable (we were in groups of three, which meant one person was examined twice by each of her peers, and let me tell you…by the end of the second exam…boy, were you ready to […]

Posted in Academia, Education | Leave a comment

And don’t forget the vulva coin purse!

Just saw this on All About My Vagina. The lucky vulva coin purse! How cool is that?? Complete with pearl to polish! We wantss one, yesss, preciouss, we do. I love the satin labia minora, and the faux fur on the outside. Awesome. If any crafty person was wondering what to get me for the […]

Posted in Feminism, Miscellaneous | Leave a comment


Our peer pelvics are tomorrow, and the check-out exam for my partner and I is this Thursday, which is when we’ll perform our head-to-toe assessment, pelvics and all, in front of our professors! So, I’ll be seeing a lot of vaginas this week (although, given my job, I tend to see a lot of vaginas […]

Posted in Academia, Education, Feminism, Gynecology | 1 Comment

The eroticism of birth

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about pain and birth. Or actually, pleasure and birth. Kimberly Bobrow’s website is what first got the wheels turning. In addition to the article on the language of breastfeeding that I was raving about last week, I also discovered this very interesting discussion about the eroticism of birth (a […]

Posted in Labor and Birth, Sex and Sexuality | 5 Comments

A Momentous Day

There will be a lot of milestones along this journey towards becoming a midwife, and two pretty major ones happened this week. The first one was on Monday during our pelvimetry lesson, when we measured each other’s hands with tape measures to find out how long our fingers are. The length of my right hand […]

Posted in Academia, Education | 2 Comments