Category Archives: Reviews

Midwifery Care Associated with Better Outcomes

Via MidwifeInfo, a systematic review spanning 18 years and encompassing 21 studies has found that midwives provide comparable or better care to women than care managed exclusively by physicians.   This finding was part of a larger review focusing on advanced practice nurses (nurse-midwives, nurse-anesthetists, nurse-practitioners etc.), and will be published in the upcoming September/ […]

Also posted in Journal Articles, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News, Research | Leave a comment

The Obstetrician’s Lament

There is an astounding collection of writing going up on The Unnecesarean regarding the growing rift between obstetricians and the out-of-hospital birth community.  All of this is in response to the The Obstetrician’s Lament, written by OB-GYN Anette Fineberg, MD, which came out in the May edition of ACOG’s Green Journal (Obstetrics and Gynecology).  I […]

Also posted in Cesarean Birth, Complications, Hospitals, Journal Articles, Labor and Birth, Politics, VBAC | Leave a comment

The Business of Being Born

Last Friday I was a very lucky duck: I was able to attend a screening of The Business of Being Born at the Tribeca Film Festival, hosted by Friends of the Birth Center, along with a post-show talkbalk with the Abby Epstein, the director of the movie, and Ricki Lake, the producer, followed by a […]

Also posted in Birth Centers, Birth Education, Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News, Politics | 6 Comments

Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term

I’ve been meaning to post this post for ages, but was never able to finish it during the school year last year. All of this comes from the research project that I worked on last year for 2 semesters as part of my research class, and even though I had to radically alter the goal […]

Also posted in Academia, Complications, Education, Hospitals, Journal Articles, Labor and Birth, Research | 7 Comments

Into My Hands

While studying for our upcoming neonatology final at a friend’s house tonight, I accidentally stumbled upon her beautiful birth record book: Into My Hands from the Eagle Tree Press (which is a really cool website, check it out while you’re there!). My own birth record book, where I’ve been keeping tabs on the vital stats […]

Also posted in Labor and Birth, Midwifery, New Products | Leave a comment

BOLD book club

This is something I’ve been meaning to post about for ages now, brought to my attention by one of my readers. The creative folk behind Birth on Labor Day, which is quickly becoming a an annual Labor Day tradition, have launched an online book club that you can participate in. The Sept.-Oct. pick, The Birth […]

Also posted in Books, Midwifery | Leave a comment

Not everyone loves Gardasil

In addition to the moral debate that surrounds giving Gardasil, Merck’s new HPV vaccine, to young girls, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is also urging against a “universal use” recommendation by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on June 29th. The NVIC doesn’t feel that Merck’s clinical trials proved that the HPV […]

Also posted in Gynecology, Midwifery, New Products, Politics, Primary Care, STIs, Women's Health | 8 Comments

Cervical cancer vaccine approved

The FDA has recently approved Gardasil, Merck’s vaccine that helps prevent cervical cancer caused by Human Papilloma virus (HPV) strains 6, 11, 16 and 18. This is incredibly exciting news, since this is the first vaccine to target cervical cancer, and the first ever vaccine for cancer, period (amazing! a vaccine for cancer!!!). The vaccine […]

Also posted in Gynecology, New Products, Primary Care, STIs, Women's Health | Leave a comment

Midwifery is not the practice of Medicine

Speaking of the devil…I just popped over to The Mommy Blawg, and what should be there but an amazing article by Suzanne Hope Suarez that first appeared in the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism: Midwifery is not the Practice of Medicine. This article raises and supports so many of the points I just touched […]

Also posted in Issues, Journal Articles, Midwifery, Politics | 4 Comments

The Keeper

We’ve been talking so much about menstruation lately that it seems only natural that the subject of alternative menstrual gear would come up at some point. In fact, just last week we were talking about it after class one day, and I ended up bringing my Keeper to school with me to show to a […]

Also posted in Feminism, Menstruation, New Products, The Soapbox, Women's Health | 8 Comments