Monthly Archives: January 2007

The news from the NAPW summit

National Advocates for Pregnant Women just concluded its 4 day Summit To Ensure the Health and Humanity of Birthing Women in Atlanta, GA, this past weekend. This summit, one of the first of its kind, was organized by NAPW and NAPW’s director, Lynn Paltrow, to explore the grey area where pregnancy, birth and the law […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Fertility and Conception, Homebirth, Hospitals, Issues, Labor and Birth, Litigation, Midwifery, Politics, Pregnancy, VBAC | Leave a comment

Rising to the challenge

So, we found out last week where our clinical placements for integration will be. Sadly, I will not be returning to the same hospital where I did my Intrapartum rotation. Honestly, I think that site was one of the best placements a student could hope for: it was busy, with lots of births, the population […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education, Midwifery | Leave a comment

My fears

Forget the “bang”; our final semester of midwifery school started with a resounding “thud” as the largest module known to man or gods was laid upon us today. I’m only taking one class this semester: Maternal and Obstetric Complications. Trust me, it’s more than enough. In fact, paging through the module, it doesn’t really seem […]

Posted in Academia, Education, Midwifery | 4 Comments

Unecessary Cesareans

So, not the most pleasant way to start out our new year, but our national Cesarean Section rate is somewhere around 29%, possibly even higher now, given that this data was from 2004, and we’re still awaiting the final tallies from 2005 at this point. To quote Marion Toepke McLean from her article Cesarean on […]

Posted in Cesarean Birth, Issues, Labor and Birth, Litigation, Midwifery | 3 Comments