Monthly Archives: June 2006

Not everyone loves Gardasil

In addition to the moral debate that surrounds giving Gardasil, Merck’s new HPV vaccine, to young girls, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is also urging against a “universal use” recommendation by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on June 29th. The NVIC doesn’t feel that Merck’s clinical trials proved that the HPV […]

Posted in Gynecology, Midwifery, New Products, Politics, Primary Care, STIs, Women's Health | 8 Comments


We’re moving! Yay! However, this means that I’ll be offline for a few days…possibly the week (eeegads, a whole week without internet? Can we survive???)…until whenever we can get internet installed in our new place. We’re moving tomorrow, so the internet deprivation begins manana. See you on the flip side.

Posted in Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

The breastfeeding debate continues

We’re in the middle of moving from our blah apartment in midtown to our superfly apartment in Brooklyn (trust me, of the two locales, I’m so much more a brooklyn girl than a midtown girl), so this is going to have to be short and sweet, but the controversy sparked by the Department of Health […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, Politics | 2 Comments

New bill targets postpartum depression

New legislation was introduced last Friday by Senators Menendez (D-NJ) and Durbin (D-IL) which promotes increased research, education and access to screenings for postpartum depression for new mothers. The bill, known as The Mom’s Opportunity To Access Help, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression (MOTHERS) Act, also proposes grants to health care providers in […]

Posted in Midwifery, News, Politics, Postpartum | 1 Comment

Cervical cancer vaccine approved

The FDA has recently approved Gardasil, Merck’s vaccine that helps prevent cervical cancer caused by Human Papilloma virus (HPV) strains 6, 11, 16 and 18. This is incredibly exciting news, since this is the first vaccine to target cervical cancer, and the first ever vaccine for cancer, period (amazing! a vaccine for cancer!!!). The vaccine […]

Posted in Gynecology, New Products, Primary Care, STIs, Women's Health | Leave a comment

Around Town

If anyone is in New York in the next two weeks, be sure to check out Until the Violence Stops: NYC, a two week festival organized by playwright Eve Ensler to help educate and promote awareness about violence against women, with events and venues all over the 5 boroughs. Like V-Day, which uses creative events […]

Posted in Birth Centers, Midwifery, Violence Against Women | Leave a comment

Breastfeed or else?

Have any of you seen the new ads yet that are being run on TV by the Department of Health and Human Services to promote breastfeeding? They’re a bit controversial. I was watching one of them with a co-worker this morning at work who had been unable to breastfeed her daughter, and she was quite […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, Politics, Postpartum | 2 Comments

And now for something completely different

I’ve been tagged by Melissa over at A Womb of her Own to answer a meme, which is not my usual fare, but hey, what the hell. Anything to lighten the mood. Here are 8 totally random things about me: 1. When I was a young child, I had an imaginary friend named Whaley. I […]

Posted in Miscellaneous | 2 Comments

A long awaited baby

I’m delighted to present another edition to the growing library of beautiful birth stories on this site, kindly submitted by RR. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! The birth of our son was very eagerly anticipated. Fourteen months before his due date, I had given birth to our first child, a […]

Posted in Birth Stories | 1 Comment

Vaginal breech homebirth

And then people send me beautiful, delicious birth stories like the following, which was written by my friend Miriam, and I am so grateful that births like this exist! Congratulations on your lovely birth, which would have most likely become an emergency c-section if it had occurred in the hospital (since very few doctors know […]

Posted in Birth Stories, Homebirth | 3 Comments