Monthly Archives: August 2005

Must be something in the water…

Or actually, something in the air (well, the barometric pressure, anyway). Our unit was absolutely slammed last night. I had 2 deliveries myself, and two admissions, which is a lot of work, especially given all the paperwork and charting and documenting required. We had 11 deliveries total over the course of our 12 hour shift; […]

Posted in Labor and Birth | 1 Comment

Shout out across the pond!

Check this out: Student Midwives Sanctuary Absolutely brilliant. Especially the forum. Go there. ASAP. And, why don’t we have something like this for midwifery students in the US???? *ponders*

Posted in Education, Midwifery | Leave a comment

Birth as An American Rite of Passage

Davis-Floyd, Robbie. 2003. Birth As An American Rite of Passage (2nd Edition). Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. So, I’ve been reading this book pretty much non-stop for the past few weeks, and I have been completely blown away. C o m p l e t e l y. This is the book […]

Posted in Books, Research, Reviews | Leave a comment

The homebirth birth kit

I was browsing in the Midwifery Today forums earlier this evening and I found the most amazing link: a homebirth midwife has actually taken the time to photograph (in great detail) all the contents of her birth kit. The entire thing is beautifully organized and documented, and very illuminating. For quite some time now I’ve […]

Posted in Homebirth, Midwifery | 3 Comments

Miles for Midwives (or, The Sad Tale of the ESCbC)

The short-short version: Miles For Midwives is an annual 5K run/walk that happens every October to raise money for the creation of a new independent birth center, as well as the local ACNM chapter in NYC, so here’s your first official heads-up. Miles for Midwives also coincides with Midwifery Week, and is a great opportunity […]

Posted in Birth Centers, Midwifery | Leave a comment

Midwifery School, here I come!

I got my first letter yesterday regarding the upcoming semester, which starts the first week of Sept (and there was much rejoicing!!!). The letter was from the professor who will be teaching my first Research module, and included a somewhat lengthy list of all the books I need to buy, which is much less exciting, […]

Posted in Academia, Education | 2 Comments

World Breastfeeding Week, a week late

It has come to my attention that last week…well, nearly two weeks ago, now…was World Breastfeeding Week, brought to you by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. *Sheepish* I feel like I should have been on top of that one, but somehow let it slip through my fingers (it was, to put it mildly, a […]

Posted in Birth Art, Breastfeeding | 1 Comment

In the belly of the beast

I’ve been writing a lot of political posts lately, so I thought I’d post about something completely personal instead, for a refreshing change of pace. I have just recently switched jobs. I worked in Labor and Delivery at a large metropolitan hospital for 1.5 years (which I will refer to as Tried and True Hospital, […]

Posted in Hospitals, Labor and Birth | Leave a comment

EC Veto Aftermath

Just a few follow-up articles about Governor Pataki’s shameful veto of the Emergency Contraception bill yesterday: Choosing When to Be a Mother Hen Both Parties Attack Pataki’s Stand on Morning After Pill Pissed off about it? Contact Governor Pataki! Wondering what else you can do? Join NARAL New York.

Posted in Contraception, Feminism, Politics, Primary Care | Leave a comment

Men in Midwifery

Midwifery in the news: check out the latest article by Anemona Hartocollis on men in midwifery (specifically, Richard Jennings, a midwife who practices at Bellvue), in last week’s NY Times (7/31/05). To quote a very small snippet: Many of his colleagues are more ambivalent about his role. “Most of us tend to think of ourselves […]

Posted in Issues, Midwifery, News, The Soapbox | 2 Comments