Monthly Archives: June 2008

The AMA joins ACOG in homebirth-bashing

The AMA has recently issued a resolution supporting ACOG’s Statement on Homebirth which agrees that the safest place to have a baby is the hospital, of course, where obstetricians work and get paid.  What’s really awful is that they’re using Ricki Lake’s movie, The Business of Being Born, as a tool to try to pass […]

Posted in Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News, Politics | 1 Comment

The Biggest Baby I’ve ever caught

Here’s a lovely birth story to share, my 99th delivery: We were all expecting a big baby. Her estimated fetal weight from Leopold’s palpation was judged to be approximately 4500 gms. The baby felt huge: fat and happy, and we were all duly nervous, because her first baby was only 7.5 pounds. She wasn’t a […]

Posted in Birth Stories, Labor and Birth, Vaginal Birth | 7 Comments