Monthly Archives: March 2008

Like trying to put out a wildfire

Chlamydia is the sexually transmitted infection du jour in our clinic. On a daily basis I probably encounter at least one, often 2, and sometimes 3-4 women per day who have it. For the majority of the women I see, learning that they have an STI is often like a wake-up call. They usually get […]

Posted in Pregnancy, Primary Care, Research, STIs, Women's Health | 10 Comments

Birth after trauma

Without getting into a huge amount of detail here…I had a new OB patient recently who came in for her initial visit and eventually told me that she wasn’t sure who the father of the baby was….becasue she had been raped by four men. She had gone to a different hospital immediately afterwards and had […]

Posted in Labor and Birth, Pregnancy, Violence Against Women | 16 Comments