Monthly Archives: December 2008

Lactivists v. Facebook

It’s snowing here, but here’s a little piece of news that will warm the cockles of your heart.  As we all know, there was a big stink over at Facebook awhile ago when they banned the pictures of nursing mothers, which then led to the formation of the facebook group Hey Facebook, Breastfeeding is Not […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, News, Politics | 1 Comment

Recession relief: midwifery saves money

Let’s face it: the economy sucks right now.  We haven’t yet hit rock bottom, and it’s going to be awhile (probably a long while) before things begin to recover.  In the midst of this harsh financial reality, companies and industries are scrambling to find ways to save money.  Birth activists have been trying for decades […]

Posted in Birth Centers, Issues, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Politics, Women's Health | 2 Comments

My Beautiful Cervix

This is a site I found through Women’s Health News, but I felt it really deserved a post all its own.  A midwifery student decided to take a picture of her cervix every day for one entire menstrual cycle, and the pictures are absolutely amazing.  I want to print them out and show them to […]

Posted in Fertility and Conception, Gynecology, Women's Health | Leave a comment

Midwifery Gift Guide 2008

It seems like every other blog/magazine/newspaper is putting together gift guides these days, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon too and put together a gift guide for the hard-to-shop-for midwives/ doulas/ lovers-of-birth in your life.  Granted, this guide sort of reads as a list of some of my favorite things, ever, but hey….why […]

Posted in Midwifery, Miscellaneous | 4 Comments

Plan B available, but still not easy to get

This is an interesting story about how difficult it was for a woman to obtain Plan B from Walgreen’s, over on the Consumerist.  Apparently the folks at her local Walgreen’s in Oxford, MS, tried to insist that she wait for one hour before getting the Plan B, as well as giving her literature on adoption, […]

Posted in Contraception, Feminism, Miscellaneous, Primary Care | 1 Comment