Author Archives: The Midwife

Misleading home birth headline

Yet another scary press release regarding home birth has come out today in advance of research which is set to be published in the upcoming issue of AJOG.  We’ve already seen in the Wax report how relying on birth certificate data can mar research, as the intended place of delivery is often not captured on a birth […]

Posted in Homebirth, Issues, Midwifery, Politics, Research | Leave a comment

Cesareans less likely when mother is a physician

There have been several studies which have looked into the economic incentives which might play into the decision making that leads to a cesarean birth, but a new report for the National Bureau of Economic Research (recently reported on NPR) has found that cesareans are 10% less likely when the patient in labor is a […]

Posted in Cesarean Birth, Hospitals, Research | Leave a comment

Healing after a Miscarriage

Hi, lovelies.  It’s certainly been awhile, and a lot has been going on.  I promise I will write some updates soon, but a great deal has been happening and I haven’t quite been able to process all of it yet.  Once the processing is finished, the posts will come.  In the meantime, I thought I’d […]

Posted in Midwifery, Miscarriage, Mothering | Leave a comment

Independent Midwifery in the UK threatened

It’s easy to get sucked into your practice bubble when you’re a midwife, and put your nose to the grindstone and not look up much.  Midwifery is like that; it’s one of the hardest jobs out there, demanding huge amounts of your energy and time, and it’s hard to take a moment to catch your […]

Posted in Homebirth, Hospitals, Issues, Midwifery, News, Politics | Leave a comment

What to Reject When You’re Expecting

Check this out: A fantastic new guide written by Consumer Reports (who would have guessed?) about what to reject when you’re expecting, including unnecessary cesareans, elective inductions, routine amniotomy and episiotomy, and babies routinely going to the nursery.  Coupled with advice on what to look for instead, including midwifery care!  Well researched and very refreshing. […]

Posted in Birth Education, Cesarean Birth, Epidurals, Episiotomies, Inductions, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, VBAC | 1 Comment

A wild ride so far

One month into my new job as a home birth midwife, and I must admit, I am wholly, unashamedly, unequivocally LOVING it!  I’ve attended 4 births so far, 3 of which were in the home and one of which was a transfer (and I’ll have to write more about that later, but let’s just say […]

Posted in Birth Stories, Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Vaginal Birth | 2 Comments

Taking the plunge

Well, the time has come. After nearly 5 years working with the vulnerable and inspiring women at an urban public hospital in New York City, it’s time to move on and follow my dream.  I have always, always known I wanted to be a home birth midwife, even when I was just a student, and […]

Posted in Homebirth | 1 Comment

10th Anniversary Miles for Midwives: Come on down!

I write about this every year, but this year I’m one of the organizers for this event, so it’s even more near and dear to my heart.  We’re having the 10th Annual Miles for Midwives this coming weekend, October 6th, in Prospect Park.  Miles for Midwives is a 5K run/ walk race which jointly benefits […]

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Home Birth Debate Heats Up

I’ve been meaning to write about this for awhile now.  The debate about home birth, usually relegated to the side-lines in the larger debate about birth, has hit the big time recently (well, back in June) as some of our nation’s top female journalists waded into it full force.  First, Michelle Goldberg at the Daily […]

Posted in Choice, Complications, Homebirth, Hospitals, Issues, Labor and Birth, Midwifery | 4 Comments

Josiah Morgan’s Birth

Another beautiful birth story to share with all of you, this time a successful VBAC in a hospital with an intense pushing phase (but all turned out well, as you shall see!). Enjoy! (And thank you, RH, for sharing your story!) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Josiah’s birth story begins the weekend before he was born. I had been […]

Posted in Birth Stories, Good Enough to Share, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, VBAC | Leave a comment