Monthly Archives: August 2006

Birth on Labor Day

And of course, something needs to be said about Birth on Labor Day, aka BOLD, a new event slated to occur annually on Labor Day (appropriate, eh?). Created by playwright Karen Brody, and clearly modelled off of Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues and the subsequent V-Day that was created to call attention to violence against women, […]

Posted in Birth Art, Birth Education, Labor and Birth, Politics | 1 Comment

FDA approves Plan B for OTC sales

This just arrived in my inbox, moments ago. I can’t find a single news story written about this yet, in any of the papers. Is it really possible for a blog to beat the newspapers when it comes to a story? Neato! We did it! At 9:20 a.m. today, the FDA approved over-the-counter access to […]

Posted in Choice, Contraception, Politics, Women's Health | 1 Comment

Midwifery in the news

As we approach the 1 year anniversay or Hurricane Katrina, here’s an interesting article from the Washington Post on the ways that pregnant women, and newborn infants and new mothers have been short changed when it comes to disaster management plans, and how new plans are being made to finally accomodate the needs of pregnant […]

Posted in Homebirth, Issues, Midwifery, News | Leave a comment

School fast approaching

It’s slowly dawning on me that the summer is nearly over, as e-mails from professors begin to crowd my inbox and book lists and homework assignments are already beginning to stack up. I feel strangely ambivalent about it, at this point. On the one hand, I’m looking forward to sinking into the work of school […]

Posted in Education, Midwifery | 5 Comments

Get out the breast

In response (backlash?) to all of the negative comments garnered by the BabyTalk magazine cover, here are two very cool pages devoted to posting as many images of breastfeeding as possible: Celebrity Babies (which sports an enormous breastfeeding gallery, and where you can post a picture of yourself—get posting!), and Wet Feet, who has assembled […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, Politics | 2 Comments

Happy World Breastfeeding Week

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week (August 1 – 7th), here’s this month’s cover of Baby Talk Magazine, which has sadly received a lot of flak for the audacity of putting an enormous breast on the cover of a magazine, with a nursing baby to boot (gods forbid we see images of a breast being […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, Politics | 1 Comment