Monthly Archives: October 2007

Worry-wart = new midwife

So, you’re probably wondering how it’s going. I’m in the middle of my third week as a new midwife, and it’s going…okay…so far, I guess. I wish I could sound more confident and enthusiastic about it at the moment, but I’m having a hard time feeling very confident or enthusiastic these days. Which is not […]

Posted in Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Pregnancy, Vaginal Birth | 3 Comments

Birth in developing countries

The BBC has put together an amazing series of articles on birth and maternal mortality in developing countries. This year, at the half-way mark towards the Millenium Goals set for 2015, we’re not even close to reaching the desired 75% reduction in maternal mortality. These articles explore the reasons behind these failures: everything from lack […]

Posted in Complications, Demise, Issues, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Politics, Pregnancy | 3 Comments

New job, new midwife

I am a working girl at last!  Finally, after weeks of overcoming bureaucratic hurdle after hurdle, I am finally working!  Today was my first day at my new job as a new midwife at a busy Brooklyn hospital.  I can’t even begin to describe to you how exciting it was to get an employee ID […]

Posted in Clinicals, Midwifery, Pregnancy | 5 Comments

Ovarian Cysts

I got a phone call last night from a good friend from college, who has just recently been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, and had been told by her doctor not to worry too much about it and was prescribed birth-control pills to help manage the symptoms. She wanted a second opinion, and I told […]

Posted in Gynecology, Primary Care, Questions, Research, Women's Health | 8 Comments

Brooklyn homebirth practice growing

There was a recent article in the NY Daily News on the homebirth practice of Joan Bryson, a Brooklyn midwife who has been delivering babies at home for over seven years now.  Joan also served as president of the local NYC ANCM chapter last year. Last year, Bryson delivered nearly 50 babies throughout the city. […]

Posted in Homebirth, Midwifery, News | Leave a comment

Old and New News Roundup 10/2/07

So, I’m back in the blogosphere again, and realizing that I’ve been missing a lot of important news by taking a vacation for a few months. Here’s a quick overview of some of the stories I’ve found most pressing (and/or impressive) lately, even though some of these stories are old news by blog standards, and […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, Choice, Education, Feminism, Midwifery, Politics, Women's Health | 2 Comments

2007 ACNM Student Report

Guess today is Catch-up From Chicago day. In addition to the very long post on the ACNM, MANA and CMs which I just posted below, I also wanted to “unofficially” post the 2007 ACNM Student Report, which I helped to draft at the annual meeting this year with approximately 20 other student representatives from around […]

Posted in Academia, Education, Issues, Midwifery, News, Politics | Leave a comment

Why the ACNM needs more CMs

I never had a chance to post much about my experiences in Chicago at the ACNM Annual Meeting in May, mostly because I was finishing up my semester at school, and graduating, and then studying for my board exams, and blogging was not a high priority. But I’ve been thinking a lot about my time […]

Posted in Issues, Midwifery, Politics | 16 Comments