Category Archives: The Soapbox

This is the section where I get to rant and rave and gesticulate wildly from atop my soapbox. Just to give you a heads up.

Those people

I got an e-mail the other day from a colleague at work who was passing on to a whole bunch of us a forwarded e-mail that she had received. Here’s the content of what the e-mail said. It was entitled “Urine Dip”: Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I […]

Also posted in Politics | 9 Comments

Postpartum Depression

You’d think that by now I’d be good at this whole advocating for women/ advocating for myself thing, but I’m not. It takes practice, and it’s really depressing when I’m unable to find the personal power, the chutzpah, the whatever it takes, to actually say what needs to be said. A case in point: A […]

Also posted in Postpartum | 4 Comments

Push from England to reduce routine EFM use

Here’s a very interesting article from England which questions the use of routine electronic fetal monitoring. [Gillian] Smith [Scottish national officer of the Royal College of Midwives] is heading a campaign by the RCM Scotland to reduce the number of unnecessary interventions women in labour are subjected to. She said: “Is routine electronic foetal monitoring […]

Also posted in Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News | 1 Comment

The Keeper

We’ve been talking so much about menstruation lately that it seems only natural that the subject of alternative menstrual gear would come up at some point. In fact, just last week we were talking about it after class one day, and I ended up bringing my Keeper to school with me to show to a […]

Also posted in Feminism, Menstruation, New Products, Women's Health | 8 Comments

Men in Midwifery

Midwifery in the news: check out the latest article by Anemona Hartocollis on men in midwifery (specifically, Richard Jennings, a midwife who practices at Bellvue), in last week’s NY Times (7/31/05). To quote a very small snippet: Many of his colleagues are more ambivalent about his role. “Most of us tend to think of ourselves […]

Also posted in Issues, Midwifery, News | 2 Comments