Monthly Archives: October 2008

Just a hemorrhage kind of night

Last night was a very strange night. It wasn’t that busy, and yet, somehow, neither the other midwife nor myself were able to take a break. The pace was very steady. We kept expecting it to settle down, but it never did. Just as we were thinking “oh, as soon as this woman is discharged, […]

Posted in Birth Stories, Complications, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Vaginal Birth | 4 Comments

New hope for South Dakota

As reported by the Daily Kos, a rigorous new poll shows that Measure 11, South Dakota’s latest attempt to ban abortion, might not pass as easily as everyone originally thought.  South Dakota’s initial attempt to ban abortion in 2006 was defeated by 56% to 44%, mainly because the bill included no exceptions for victims of […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Politics, Women's Health | 3 Comments

Hello, World!

My goodness, it’s been ages.  I do apologize for that.  If it’s any comfort to any of you, I am now quite firmly resolved to pick the blogging baton back up again and give it a twirl, after a very long hiatus.  In my defense, I’ve been a bit busy.  I quickly learned that the […]

Posted in Miscellaneous | 4 Comments