Monthly Archives: November 2005

In and out

Just a quick post to say that the Week of Swampedness is upon me. I am now officially *swamped*. Finals are in two weeks. I have a TON of work to get done, including my presentation on Hyperthyroidism (tomorrow), my second research chapter (due next monday) and my first final exam in Physical Health Assessment […]

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RU-486 under attack

RU-486 (Mifeprex), the pill used to induce chemical abortions in early 1st trimester pregnancies, has come under fire recently because of the deaths of 4 women in California who died of a rare bacteria infection (Clostridium Sordelli) shortly after taking RU-486. The NY times has the full article. Wow. Very disturbing. And now it’s just […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, Politics | 1 Comment

Clinical Seconds

Well, as predicted, my second clinical experience was SO much better than my first. For one thing, I was on time; actually, EARLY. I was working w/ a different preceptor this time, and she had asked us to meet at her office 8:45 to go over what we’d be doing, and discuss any issues we […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education | Leave a comment

The Quiet before the storm

There’s not much on my plate this week, schoolwise, so it’s easy to let your gaurd down, especially with Thanksgiving this week, and that lovely holiday feeling in the air, but Note To Self: it’s only the deep breath before the plunge! Starting next week, and moving into December, things are going to get Very […]

Posted in Academia, Education | Leave a comment


Now here is a diaper product it seems like I can really throw my weight behind: Flushable diapers! What a neat idea: putting the solid waste where it belongs, in a toilet, rather than a landfill. Another environmentally friendly alternative to disposables, and perhaps these diapers are even a bit better than cloth (and certainly […]

Posted in Babies!, New Products, Postpartum | 10 Comments

Another beautiful birth story

Another fabulous, and very in-depth birth story, this one courtesy of Emily Marynczak, by way of Mirial Axel-Lute. Actually, we get to hear all about her first birth, too, so it’s sort of like a two-for-one special. Thank you so much for sharing your birth story, Emily! For what it’s worth, you don’t sound like […]

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And relax

Having spoken to a few of my classmates today regarding their own clinical experiences, I am at least somewhat relieved to hear that mine was not unique. We spent a good long while comparing our experiences on the subway home today, and complaining about the crappy speculums at the clinic, and the lack of cytobrooms […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education, Primary Care, Women's Health | Leave a comment

Clinical firsts

I had a feeling my very first clinical experience was going to be a pretty special, and boy was it! Thanks to the glory and wonder of the MTA, I arrived ten minutes late, having left at least 15 minutes early for my usual 45 minute commute to school. The plan was for the students […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education | Leave a comment

What is this, med school?

Amazing how much of midwifery school has absolutely NOTHING to do with pregnant women, or babies, or birth, AT ALL. I’m up to my neck in a presentation on hyperthyroidism at the moment. Haven’t even discussed anything pelvis or speculum related for the past two weeks. Le sigh. At least our clinicals start tomorrow, at […]

Posted in Academia, Education | Leave a comment

Caroline Sharkey’s Birth Story

Life works in mysterious ways. Last week I was pining after birth stories, and this week, through an unexpected turn of events, I’ve got three amazing stories to share! Miriam Axel-Lute, the reporter from Metroland who wrote last week’s feature on homebirth in the capital region, has talked to some of her sources to see […]

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