Monthly Archives: April 2005

Emotional Support during labor CAN’T be overlooked

Full citation: Kennell, J., Klaus, M., McGrath, S., Robertson, S., & Hinkley, C. (1991). Continuous Emotional Support During Labor in a US Hospital. JAMA, 265(17), 2197-2201. Attention all doulas out there: this is something you really need to read. It’s one of my favorite studies of all time, actually. I discovered it in Nursing School […]

Posted in Journal Articles, Labor and Birth, Labor Support, Research | Leave a comment

You might be a midwife if…

A friend pointed this link out to me, which was written by the husband of a busy midwife. It made me laugh, but it also really got me thinking about the lifestyle a midwife leads. Often on call, up at all hours, sometimes spending days and days away from your family while attending a long […]

Posted in Midwifery, Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

Pharmacists enter the fray

There has been a lot of media attention lately on pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions they don’t agree with, namely the Morning After Pill and oral contraceptives. The Washington Post’s expose last month (Pharmacists’ Rights at Front Of New Debate) sparked a sudden flurry of legal activity on both sides of the line. So far, […]

Posted in Choice, Contraception, Politics, Primary Care | Leave a comment


This is a site for women who love their bodies. This is a site for women who are learning to love their bodies more. This is a site for every body—for the wiry bodies, taut like springs, for the wide-hipped bodies, made in the image of Demeter. For creamy, curvaceous bodies, blackcurrant bodies, coffee bean […]

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Mission Statement

Every new project and endeavor needs a Mission Statement. I wrote this last year for one of my midwifery classes, but I have found that it sets a lovely tone for the inaugural post of this journal. It is my hope that these goals will not only guide and shape my growth from student to […]

Posted in Midwifery | 1 Comment