Monthly Archives: November 2006

Closer to the dream

Last week I had an exam in Neonatology, and my teaching project and a presentation in Neonatology all due at the same time, so it was a bit hectic. This week, the only thing on my plate is a few modules and some studying for the upcoming final exams, and a write-up of my teaching […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education, Episiotomies, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Labor Support, Vaginal Birth, VBAC | 6 Comments

Mother kicked off Delta airline for breastfeeding

Wow, this really makes my blood boil: a woman was recently kicked off of a Delta airline because she was breastfeeding her daughter. Isn’t it hard enough traveling with young children without being penalized for trying to feed them? Sheesh! It’s high time Congresswoman Maloney’s Breastfeeding Promotion Act was passed. Please take 2 minutes and […]

Posted in Breastfeeding, Feminism, Politics | 3 Comments

Postpartum Depression

You’d think that by now I’d be good at this whole advocating for women/ advocating for myself thing, but I’m not. It takes practice, and it’s really depressing when I’m unable to find the personal power, the chutzpah, the whatever it takes, to actually say what needs to be said. A case in point: A […]

Posted in Postpartum, The Soapbox | 4 Comments


I’m running off to class this morning, and I do apologize for the severe lack of posting that’s been happening around this place, but here’s some quick news for all of you: First, the people of South Dakota have spoken loud and clear when it comes to more restrictive abortion legislation. Women’s Health News has […]

Posted in Choice, Feminism, News, Politics | Leave a comment