Monthly Archives: April 2006

Last day of clinicals

Yes, it’s true, my antepartum/well-woman gyn ambulatory clinicals ended today, with a lot of mixed feelings involved! On the one hand, I’m thinking: thank the gods that’s over, because I need every spare millisecond to study now. On the other hand, I was just getting to the point that I was starting to feel like […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education | 2 Comments

Happy birthday, Belly Tales!

Oh, and I nearly forgot: a year ago today I wrote the inaugural post for this website. Wow. Was that only a year ago???

Posted in Miscellaneous | 3 Comments

The forest for the trees?

When I’m swamped, I usually don’t have time to post anything here, which is a shame, because it doesn’t allow the faithful reader a full blow-by-blow account of the ins and outs of being a student. So, here’s a five minute post just to render the reality of studenthood a little more clearly for those […]

Posted in Academia, Education | Leave a comment

Speak out against rape today

Via Feministing, there’s a rally being held today by the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault at Union Square, which started at noon today. While this notice is a bit late, there’s a 24-hour vigil and “Say-So” (Sexual Assault Yearly Speak Out) with continuous reading of survivor’s stories that will be going on all […]

Posted in Feminism, Violence Against Women | Leave a comment

Further thoughts on FGM

The pendulum swings in one direction, and then it swings back again. Last night I was awash with guilt and worried that I hadn’t done the right thing. Today, as I continue to process and sift through my thoughts on this subject, I am beginning to change my mind on some of it. The circumcision […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education, Feminism, Violence Against Women | 1 Comment

Circumcision or mutilation?

The exam today began like any other routine postpartum exam: we talked about her birth, cooed over her baby, was she having any problems? Breastfeeding was going well? Bleeding had stopped? Had she started having sex again? What was she planning on using for birth control? Then, after all the listening and talking and note […]

Posted in Clinicals, Education, Feminism, Violence Against Women | 5 Comments

It’s a boy!

Huge congratulations to my dear friend K who just gave birth to a gorgeous baby boy on Thursday, 4/13/06 at 12:09 pm at home, in a kiddy-pool (I’ve only heard a brief account of the birth, but it sounds as if the baby was born into her husband’s arms)!!! He’s a gorgeous chunk of a […]

Posted in Homebirth, Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

Midwifery is not the practice of Medicine

Speaking of the devil…I just popped over to The Mommy Blawg, and what should be there but an amazing article by Suzanne Hope Suarez that first appeared in the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism: Midwifery is not the Practice of Medicine. This article raises and supports so many of the points I just touched […]

Posted in Issues, Journal Articles, Midwifery, Politics | 4 Comments

Homebirth prosecution

The New York Times has been turning out a lot of articles on birth, pregnancy and midwifery, lately—seems like there’s been at least one major article a month for a few months now. Here’s the latest one, from last week, which centers around the prosecution of Jennifer Williams, a CPM practicing homebirth in Indiana. Because […]

Posted in Choice, Homebirth, Issues, Litigation, Midwifery, News | 3 Comments

Birthing from Within

Guess who just signed up for her Birthing From Within level one mentor training?!? Guess who’s been wanting to become a Birthing From Within certified childbirth educator for years now, and who’s so excited she’s nearly pissing herself?? And, guess who gets to attend this workshop in her own backyard (New York City, baby), taught […]

Posted in Birth Education, Education | 4 Comments