Category Archives: Pregnancy

Healing after a Miscarriage

Hi, lovelies.  It’s certainly been awhile, and a lot has been going on.  I promise I will write some updates soon, but a great deal has been happening and I haven’t quite been able to process all of it yet.  Once the processing is finished, the posts will come.  In the meantime, I thought I’d […]

Also posted in Midwifery, Miscarriage, Mothering | Leave a comment

The 10 Commandments of Getting Pregnant

This was shared with me, I felt compelled to share it all with you.  Totally cracked me up, but SO TRUE!!!! Getting Pregnant with

Also posted in Fertility and Conception | Leave a comment

Well done, NPR!

NPR has a great series up on their website right now called Beginnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Beyond, which explores myriad aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, from cultural, economic, global and scientific perspectives.  Overall, an incredibly balanced and informative series, well worth checking out (I’m especially enjoying the Baby Project, which is a blog following the […]

Also posted in Good Enough to Share, Labor and Birth, Mothering, Myth, Folklore and Ritual, Postpartum | Leave a comment

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

I feel like I need to be singing the Tom Petty tune right now… 39 weeks pregnant now, everything is ready.  Our fridge is full of food and drinks (gatorade, coconut water) for the birth. The birth tub has been inflated and set up close to the bathroom, ready to be filled. I’ve prepped postpartum […]

Also posted in Homebirth | Leave a comment

Newsworthy 11/11/08

One week after our historic election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, here’s a very interesting article on what his presidency might mean for Women’s Health (of the non-“airquotes” variety), namely improved access to birth control and sex education (i.e. the federal government no longer funding abstinence-only programs), a reversal […]

Also posted in Choice, Complications, Contraception, Education, Feminism, Labor and Birth, Politics, Research, Sex and Sexuality, Women's Health | 4 Comments

Like trying to put out a wildfire

Chlamydia is the sexually transmitted infection du jour in our clinic. On a daily basis I probably encounter at least one, often 2, and sometimes 3-4 women per day who have it. For the majority of the women I see, learning that they have an STI is often like a wake-up call. They usually get […]

Also posted in Primary Care, Research, STIs, Women's Health | 10 Comments

Birth after trauma

Without getting into a huge amount of detail here…I had a new OB patient recently who came in for her initial visit and eventually told me that she wasn’t sure who the father of the baby was….becasue she had been raped by four men. She had gone to a different hospital immediately afterwards and had […]

Also posted in Labor and Birth, Violence Against Women | 16 Comments

Grassroots Birth Survey

The other day I discovered a postcard at my local yoga center urging women to participate in a birth survey, which instantly piqued my interest; apparently this survey has already been going on for some time, although I have only now heard about it. A little research has revealed that the Coalition for Improving Maternity […]

Also posted in Birth Centers, Choice, Homebirth, Hospitals, Midwifery, Politics, Research | 1 Comment

Worry-wart = new midwife

So, you’re probably wondering how it’s going. I’m in the middle of my third week as a new midwife, and it’s going…okay…so far, I guess. I wish I could sound more confident and enthusiastic about it at the moment, but I’m having a hard time feeling very confident or enthusiastic these days. Which is not […]

Also posted in Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Vaginal Birth | 3 Comments

Birth in developing countries

The BBC has put together an amazing series of articles on birth and maternal mortality in developing countries. This year, at the half-way mark towards the Millenium Goals set for 2015, we’re not even close to reaching the desired 75% reduction in maternal mortality. These articles explore the reasons behind these failures: everything from lack […]

Also posted in Complications, Demise, Issues, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Politics | 3 Comments