Category Archives: Miscellaneous

NRP with Karen Strange

I took the most amazing NRP class today (NRP stands for Neonatal Resuscitation Provider, for those who aren’t hip to all of the gazillion acronyms in this crazy profession) with Karen Strange of, and I am so buzzed from the class that I have to sit down and write about it tonight before I forget […]

Also posted in Academia, Complications, Education, Homebirth, Labor and Birth | 5 Comments

Question Kegels?

One of my pregnant patients was asking me the other day about what your vagina is like after giving birth.  I reassured her that the tissue of the vagina and the perineum usually comes together very easily after a delivery, even if she tore, and that the perineum usually heals beautifully after a birth (a […]

Also posted in Gynecology, Postpartum, Research, Women's Health | 1 Comment

Mea Culpa

My dear blog readers, I must apologize profusely for the abysmal state of my inbox!  I have been ignoring it for way too long.  However, for the first time in over a year, I have finally managed to slog through all of the spam and look through my messages (all 2443 of them, most of […]

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Eeegads, we’ve been hacked!

Hi, long-lost ladies and gents!  I’ve been highly incognito, as the lack of action on this blog can attest to, and the legions of Viagra spammers took advantage of this and basically knocked  my blog out of commission, buried under mountains of spam (of course, the fact that I hadn’t upgraded my WordPress version in […]

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Upgrade in progress

I’m sorry for the shape this blog is in at the moment.  The Beloved Boy is trying to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, and it’s wreaked havoc on my links and topics sections.  Hopefully we’ll get things back to normal in the next few days.   Stay tuned. california phentermine network dish viagra, Buy […]

Posted in Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

Midwifery Gift Guide 2008

It seems like every other blog/magazine/newspaper is putting together gift guides these days, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon too and put together a gift guide for the hard-to-shop-for midwives/ doulas/ lovers-of-birth in your life.  Granted, this guide sort of reads as a list of some of my favorite things, ever, but hey….why […]

Also posted in Midwifery | 4 Comments

Plan B available, but still not easy to get

This is an interesting story about how difficult it was for a woman to obtain Plan B from Walgreen’s, over on the Consumerist.  Apparently the folks at her local Walgreen’s in Oxford, MS, tried to insist that she wait for one hour before getting the Plan B, as well as giving her literature on adoption, […]

Also posted in Contraception, Feminism, Primary Care | 1 Comment

Hello, World!

My goodness, it’s been ages.  I do apologize for that.  If it’s any comfort to any of you, I am now quite firmly resolved to pick the blogging baton back up again and give it a twirl, after a very long hiatus.  In my defense, I’ve been a bit busy.  I quickly learned that the […]

Posted in Miscellaneous | 4 Comments

Plastic blood

Who ever would have guessed that this would be possible: a blood product substitute made from plastic, and which may be available for use in the next few years.  Unbelievable.  What will we come up with next??

Also posted in News | 3 Comments

Well, hello again. Yeah, it’s been awhile. I’ve been very busy this summer, and I really needed to take a break after graduating and passing my boards and getting engaged and basically having my entire life turned upside down in the space of a few weeks. Just some space and time for things to sink […]

Also posted in Midwifery | 4 Comments