Category Archives: Birth Education

What to Reject When You’re Expecting

Check this out: A fantastic new guide written by Consumer Reports (who would have guessed?) about what to reject when you’re expecting, including unnecessary cesareans, elective inductions, routine amniotomy and episiotomy, and babies routinely going to the nursery.  Coupled with advice on what to look for instead, including midwifery care!  Well researched and very refreshing. […]

Also posted in Cesarean Birth, Epidurals, Episiotomies, Inductions, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, VBAC | 1 Comment

Angelina the Midwife

I just discovered the most amazing videos over on You Tube about a traditional midwife working in Mexico. I’m sure many of you have probably seen them already, but I was just blown away!! It’s amazing to watch the way she uses her hands to massage, assess, palpate…turn a breech baby. A midwife’s greatest tool […]

Also posted in Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Myth, Folklore and Ritual | 7 Comments

The Business of Being Born

Last Friday I was a very lucky duck: I was able to attend a screening of The Business of Being Born at the Tribeca Film Festival, hosted by Friends of the Birth Center, along with a post-show talkbalk with the Abby Epstein, the director of the movie, and Ricki Lake, the producer, followed by a […]

Also posted in Birth Centers, Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News, Politics, Reviews | 6 Comments

Birth on Labor Day

And of course, something needs to be said about Birth on Labor Day, aka BOLD, a new event slated to occur annually on Labor Day (appropriate, eh?). Created by playwright Karen Brody, and clearly modelled off of Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues and the subsequent V-Day that was created to call attention to violence against women, […]

Also posted in Birth Art, Labor and Birth, Politics | 1 Comment

Birthing from Within

Guess who just signed up for her Birthing From Within level one mentor training?!? Guess who’s been wanting to become a Birthing From Within certified childbirth educator for years now, and who’s so excited she’s nearly pissing herself?? And, guess who gets to attend this workshop in her own backyard (New York City, baby), taught […]

Also posted in Education | 4 Comments

A few more NYC resources

Just a quick heads-up to let you know that and The Metropolitan Doula Group have been added as links under the following headings: Midwifery–> NY State Midwifery Links, Education–>Birth Education and Labor and Birth–>Birth Support. BirthFocus, like Realbirth, offers several different childbirth preparation classes for pregnant women in NYC, as well as referrals for […]

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