Category Archives: Education

What to Reject When You’re Expecting

Check this out: A fantastic new guide written by Consumer Reports (who would have guessed?) about what to reject when you’re expecting, including unnecessary cesareans, elective inductions, routine amniotomy and episiotomy, and babies routinely going to the nursery.  Coupled with advice on what to look for instead, including midwifery care!  Well researched and very refreshing. […]

Also posted in Birth Education, Cesarean Birth, Epidurals, Episiotomies, Inductions, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, VBAC | 1 Comment

NRP with Karen Strange

I took the most amazing NRP class today (NRP stands for Neonatal Resuscitation Provider, for those who aren’t hip to all of the gazillion acronyms in this crazy profession) with Karen Strange of, and I am so buzzed from the class that I have to sit down and write about it tonight before I forget […]

Also posted in Academia, Complications, Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Miscellaneous | 5 Comments

More Business of Being Born

Back in 2007, I was lucky enough to attend an advance screening of The Business of Being Born in New York City, and I wrote this review of it at the time.  Since then, it’s become widely popular and widely viewed, loudly praised and criticized by opposing sides of the birth debate, and has served as […]

Also posted in Birth Centers, Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News, Politics | Leave a comment

Newsworthy 11/11/08

One week after our historic election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, here’s a very interesting article on what his presidency might mean for Women’s Health (of the non-“airquotes” variety), namely improved access to birth control and sex education (i.e. the federal government no longer funding abstinence-only programs), a reversal […]

Also posted in Choice, Complications, Contraception, Feminism, Labor and Birth, Politics, Pregnancy, Research, Sex and Sexuality, Women's Health | 4 Comments

Angelina the Midwife

I just discovered the most amazing videos over on You Tube about a traditional midwife working in Mexico. I’m sure many of you have probably seen them already, but I was just blown away!! It’s amazing to watch the way she uses her hands to massage, assess, palpate…turn a breech baby. A midwife’s greatest tool […]

Also posted in Birth Education, Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Myth, Folklore and Ritual | 7 Comments

Female Genital Circumcision revisited

A few weeks ago, Dark Daughta over at One Tenacious Baby Mama asked me for a contribution to her new weekly series entitled Reloaded, which happens every Sunday and features old posts that are worth posting and reading a second time (oldies but goodies, as she calls them). She wanted posts that I was particularly […]

Also posted in Choice, Feminism, Myth, Folklore and Ritual, Politics, Sex and Sexuality, Violence Against Women | Leave a comment

New job, new midwife

I am a working girl at last!  Finally, after weeks of overcoming bureaucratic hurdle after hurdle, I am finally working!  Today was my first day at my new job as a new midwife at a busy Brooklyn hospital.  I can’t even begin to describe to you how exciting it was to get an employee ID […]

Also posted in Clinicals, Midwifery, Pregnancy | 5 Comments

Old and New News Roundup 10/2/07

So, I’m back in the blogosphere again, and realizing that I’ve been missing a lot of important news by taking a vacation for a few months. Here’s a quick overview of some of the stories I’ve found most pressing (and/or impressive) lately, even though some of these stories are old news by blog standards, and […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Choice, Feminism, Midwifery, Politics, Women's Health | 2 Comments

2007 ACNM Student Report

Guess today is Catch-up From Chicago day. In addition to the very long post on the ACNM, MANA and CMs which I just posted below, I also wanted to “unofficially” post the 2007 ACNM Student Report, which I helped to draft at the annual meeting this year with approximately 20 other student representatives from around […]

Also posted in Academia, Issues, Midwifery, News, Politics | Leave a comment

AMCB Board Exam Two Days Away

So, I wish I had more to report (actually, I have a lot more to report; somehow, our program seemed to totally skip of vulvar problems and conditions, such as lichen sclerosus and lichen planus and hidradenitis suppurativa and vulvodynia, so I’ve been learning about all of this while studying for my boards, and it’s […]

Also posted in Academia, Midwifery | 5 Comments