Monthly Archives: December 2011

The 10 Commandments of Getting Pregnant

This was shared with me, I felt compelled to share it all with you.  Totally cracked me up, but SO TRUE!!!! Getting Pregnant with

Posted in Fertility and Conception, Pregnancy | Leave a comment

Experience and Personal Practice

Personal experience always changes the way you practice in some way.  Anyone who denies this is probably not being 100% honest with themselves.  It’s the nature of us being human, and it’s inevitable because humans (as opposed to future robots?) provide health care, and by and large it’s a very good thing.  This can be […]

Posted in Complications, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Labor Support, Midwifery, Vaginal Birth | 1 Comment

Question Kegels?

One of my pregnant patients was asking me the other day about what your vagina is like after giving birth.  I reassured her that the tissue of the vagina and the perineum usually comes together very easily after a delivery, even if she tore, and that the perineum usually heals beautifully after a birth (a […]

Posted in Gynecology, Miscellaneous, Postpartum, Research, Women's Health | 1 Comment