Monthly Archives: May 2006

“The last-morning-ever pill”

Always good for a laugh (or, at the very least, a derisive snort), leave it to The Onion to break the latest news of the new anti-abortion pill that terminates the mother, but leaves the fetus alive.

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Bring on the Summer

DONE!!!! I’m done with the semester!!!!!! Done! Done! Done!!!! Omg, off to go party. Byeeee.

Posted in Academia, Education, Miscellaneous | 2 Comments


Better late than never: check out this article from the New York Times magazine last weekend, which featured a long, in-depth look at the growing anti-contraception movement in America. A few highlights includes a detailed description of the entire Plan B over-the-counter approval-process debacle which happened last year, culminating in the resignation of Susan Woods, […]

Posted in Choice, Contraception, Feminism, Politics, Sex and Sexuality | Leave a comment

Celebrate International Midwifery Day!

Happy International Midwifery Day!. Midwives all around the world are celebrating and being recognized for the hard work and vital role they play in the community. According to the International Confederation of Midwifery and the United Nations Population Fund, “urgent action [needs to be taken] to address the shortage of midwives if the world is […]

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New treatments for menopause: still not that helpful

Interesting article in the New York times on new therapies for menopause, including anti-depressants, anti-hypertensives, and anti-seizure drugs. While these drugs seem to show some promise when it comes to helping hot flashes, none of them come close to hormones. How frustrating! What are we supposed to offer to women to help them? Especially when […]

Posted in Menopause, Primary Care, Women's Health | 2 Comments

Hitting the wall

Have definitely gotten to the point tonight that nothing is sinking in anymore. I feel like I’m a sponge full of water, and if you add more water to my oversoaked brain right now, water is just going to end up spilling out of it. Our first exam is tomorrow (well-woman gynecology). I feel woefully […]

Posted in Academia, Education | 2 Comments

New Comments policy

Just a quick note to say that the spam track-backs on this website have become a bit unbearable lately. I’ve increased the security on the comments so that no comment can be posted without first being approved, so if you comment and it doesn’t appear immediately, don’t worry—it’s just because I haven’t gotten around to […]

Posted in Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

Reassuring women with abnormal paps

My friend and I spent a fair chunk of time this morning going over the management of abnormal pap smears. How ironic, then, to come home and turn on my computer and find this story on the BBC website about the high levels of anxiety women feel when they’re told they have an abnormal pap […]

Posted in Gynecology, Primary Care, Research, Women's Health | 1 Comment