Monthly Archives: December 2005

Pharmacists suspended in IL

Four pharmacists were suspended in Illinois for refusing to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptive (Plan B). ABC has the full article here.

Posted in Choice, Contraception, Feminism, Politics | Leave a comment

A beautiful birth

Just a few thoughts, to counter all of the doubts and questions I was asking a few posts ago. I saw a beautiful birth this morning. The woman had high blood pressures (150s/80s – 160s/110s), but her pre-eclamptic labs had come back negative, and she didn’t have any of the toxic signs or symptoms that […]

Posted in Hospitals, Inductions, Labor and Birth, Vaginal Birth | 1 Comment

Heather and Gabe’s Birth Story

Another birth story! Goodness, it’s raining babies. yay! Thank you, Heather and Gabe, for sharing your awesome (and action packed!) story. When it came time for my first yearly exam after moving to New Jersey, I went looking for a new obstetrician. My husband and I were hoping to have a second child in the […]

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The Score

One exam down. Two to go. One massive paper to finish. And a final discussion question to answer for Research. I have one week left to accomplish all of this. The paper and discussion point are due next monday. The two exams are next Tuesday. My hope is to finish the paper today or tomorrow, […]

Posted in Academia, Education | Leave a comment

Doubts and questions

I’ve been feeling very frustrated lately about a lot of the choices I’ve made (not all of them school or work related, but certainly a few of them are). I feel like I will never be a midwife. Yes, I know I’m in midwifery school, and that the eventual outcome will be me as a […]

Posted in Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery | 7 Comments

Finding Her Here

It’s late. I am just now sitting down to start a marathon writing session on Chapter Two of my research proposal, which, disappointingly, has not decided to write itself in the past three days while I was working. Naturally, such a dismal use of one’s friday night (not to mention the mountains of work I’ve […]

Posted in Feminism | Leave a comment

Wendy and Sean Kelly’s birth story

The last of the birth stories sent to me via Miriam Axel-Lute, intrepid reporter for Metroland, and another beautiful one, at that. This one reads a bit more like an interview, and offers a really neat perspective on homebirth and homebirth midwifery. Wendy and Sean, thank you so much for sharing your stories with us!!

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