FDA approves Plan B for OTC sales

This just arrived in my inbox, moments ago. I can’t find a single news story written about this yet, in any of the papers. Is it really possible for a blog to beat the newspapers when it comes to a story? Neato!

    We did it!
    At 9:20 a.m. today, the FDA approved over-the-counter access to the “morning-after” pill!

    Dear *******,

    Thanks to the letters, petitions, and support from people like you, the FDA finally overcame the political pressure from the White House, Congress, and anti-choice lobbyists, and approved the morning-after pill for over-the-counter sales.

    Medical experts and scientists at the FDA have asserted for years that the morning-after pill – which can prevent an unintended pregnancy if taken within 72 hours after sex – should be available without a prescription. It’s safe, it’s effective, and it’s a commonsense way for women to prevent unintended pregnancy.

    Thank you again for helping achieve this victory for women – your action does make a difference.

    My best,

    Nancy Keenan
    NARAL Pro-Choice America

Wow, is this for real?? HOORAY!!! It only took two years too long, but let’s hear it for strong scientific evidence finally winning out in the end. I’ll update with more articles on this as they are written, because I’m sure this will be in the news today. This calls for a real celebration, though, and a thankful prayer for a return (even if, perhaps, momentary and fleeting) to rational, evidence-based thinking on the part of our government. I’m thrilled! Just got back from a long shift at work, and am off to bed, but with news like this, I’m off to bed HAPPY.

(I really hope I don’t wake up later today and find out that this was all a dream. Someone pinch me, please.)


This news is now in The New York Times, so it must be true. Wheeee!

Feministing maps out the conservative response to today’s news, with unabashed glee.

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