Category Archives: Contraception

Pharmacists suspended in IL

Four pharmacists were suspended in Illinois for refusing to fill prescriptions for emergency contraceptive (Plan B). ABC has the full article here.

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FDA ruling indefinitely postponed

A few weeks ago, when Governor Pataki vetoed the Emergency Contraception bill, I mentioned that the FDA was going to issue a ruling on the safety of selling EC over the counter on September 1st. Well, September 1st has come and gone…and the ruling has failed to materialize. Lester M. Crawford, the FDA’s newly appointed […]

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EC Veto Aftermath

Just a few follow-up articles about Governor Pataki’s shameful veto of the Emergency Contraception bill yesterday: Choosing When to Be a Mother Hen Both Parties Attack Pataki’s Stand on Morning After Pill Pissed off about it? Contact Governor Pataki! Wondering what else you can do? Join NARAL New York.

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Governor Pataki: Shame on You!

In a bold (and rather disgusting) political move, Governor Pataki decided to veto the Emergency Contraception (EC) bill which had been passed by both houses of the NY State Assembly in a truly remarkable bipartisan effort. The announcement of the veto had already been made by the time I arrived at the EC rally this […]

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O Come All Ye Activists

Just to give all of you in the NYC a heads up: there is going to be a NARAL rally this Thursday in front of Governor Pataki’s NYC office to show support for the Emergency Contraception bill which was passed by the legislature back in June. You might recall my gleefull hoots of excitement when […]

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NYS Legislature supports Morning After Pill

Well, here’s a rare bright spot in the current too-scary world of birth control and women’s reproductive choices. While many other states are in the midst of restricting access, or passing laws that will allow their pharmacists to refuse to fill birth control prescriptions, New York State has done what I consider to be a […]

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An update on the pharmacy front

I wrote last week about the alarming trend of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions that they didn’t agree with. Thanks to the good folks at NARAL, you can now write to some of the nation’s biggest pharmacy chains and let them know exactly what you think about this.

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Pharmacists enter the fray

There has been a lot of media attention lately on pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions they don’t agree with, namely the Morning After Pill and oral contraceptives. The Washington Post’s expose last month (Pharmacists’ Rights at Front Of New Debate) sparked a sudden flurry of legal activity on both sides of the line. So far, […]

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