Category Archives: News

The AMA joins ACOG in homebirth-bashing

The AMA has recently issued a resolution supporting ACOG’s Statement on Homebirth which agrees that the safest place to have a baby is the hospital, of course, where obstetricians work and get paid.  What’s really awful is that they’re using Ricki Lake’s movie, The Business of Being Born, as a tool to try to pass […]

Also posted in Homebirth, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Politics | 1 Comment

Plastic blood

Who ever would have guessed that this would be possible: a blood product substitute made from plastic, and which may be available for use in the next few years.  Unbelievable.  What will we come up with next??

Also posted in Miscellaneous | 3 Comments

Brooklyn homebirth practice growing

There was a recent article in the NY Daily News on the homebirth practice of Joan Bryson, a Brooklyn midwife who has been delivering babies at home for over seven years now.  Joan also served as president of the local NYC ANCM chapter last year. Last year, Bryson delivered nearly 50 babies throughout the city. […]

Also posted in Homebirth, Midwifery | Leave a comment

2007 ACNM Student Report

Guess today is Catch-up From Chicago day. In addition to the very long post on the ACNM, MANA and CMs which I just posted below, I also wanted to “unofficially” post the 2007 ACNM Student Report, which I helped to draft at the annual meeting this year with approximately 20 other student representatives from around […]

Also posted in Academia, Education, Issues, Midwifery, Politics | Leave a comment

ACNM Annual Meeting: Day Two

After signing off yesterday, I had some lunch then promptly attended three educational sessions in a row, two of which I paged. The first was entitled Cervical Ripening: What We Know and Why A Paradigm Shift is Needed for Reducing the Incidence of Preterm Birth, which focused on how our preterm labor treatments (tocolytics) are […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Complications, Education, Issues, Labor and Birth, Menopause, Midwifery, Politics, Sex and Sexuality | 1 Comment

Live from Chicago: the 52nd Annual ACNM Meeting

So, I arrived in Chicago last night to attend this year’s national ACNM annual meeting, which will be occurring from today, 5/25, through 5/31. Unfortunately, because I happen to be graduating on Tuesday, 5/29 (not so unfortunately, actually), I will be leaving the convention a few days early in order to get to Carnegie Hall […]

Also posted in Issues, Midwifery | Leave a comment

The Business of Being Born

Last Friday I was a very lucky duck: I was able to attend a screening of The Business of Being Born at the Tribeca Film Festival, hosted by Friends of the Birth Center, along with a post-show talkbalk with the Abby Epstein, the director of the movie, and Ricki Lake, the producer, followed by a […]

Also posted in Birth Centers, Birth Education, Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, Politics, Reviews | 6 Comments

Supreme Court upholds abortion ban

Like we didn’t see this coming: as predicted, the newly revamped the Supreme Court is doing its best to steadily chip away at women’s rights without actually having to lift a finger against Roe v. Wade, and in the process is opening the door for State legislatures to enact even more restrictive abortion legislation on […]

Also posted in Choice, Feminism, Politics | Leave a comment


So, I’ve been a bit incommunicado thanks to the intensity of my clinical schedule, and the fact that last week was our first exam, and I was busy spending every spare minute studying for it (I’m very pleased to report that I did well on my exam, despite my deepest concerns regarding my sincere lack […]

Also posted in Choice, Feminism, Issues, Midwifery, Politics, Primary Care, Research, STIs, Women's Health | 2 Comments

Didelphic triumphs

On vacation, just popping in briefly (the beloved boy just looked over my shoulder at what I’m doing and said “I can’t believe you’re posting while on holiday”). Uh, yeah. So, anyway, the semester is over. It was pretty intense at the end, with three hefty exams one right after the other: our neonatology final, […]

Also posted in Labor and Birth, Pregnancy, Research | 2 Comments