Category Archives: Education

Graduated! What next?

Graduate: 6. -verb (used without object): to receive a degree or diploma on completing a course of study (often fol. by from): She graduated from college in 1995. Which is exactly what happened a few weeks ago, on May 29th, at Carnegie Hall, with all of the usual pomp and circumstance. And there was MUCH […]

Also posted in Academia, Midwifery | 9 Comments

ACNM Annual Meeting: Day Two

After signing off yesterday, I had some lunch then promptly attended three educational sessions in a row, two of which I paged. The first was entitled Cervical Ripening: What We Know and Why A Paradigm Shift is Needed for Reducing the Incidence of Preterm Birth, which focused on how our preterm labor treatments (tocolytics) are […]

Also posted in Breastfeeding, Complications, Issues, Labor and Birth, Menopause, Midwifery, News, Politics, Sex and Sexuality | 1 Comment

Comps Update

I passed!!!!!!!!

Also posted in Academia | 6 Comments

The Business of Being Born

Last Friday I was a very lucky duck: I was able to attend a screening of The Business of Being Born at the Tribeca Film Festival, hosted by Friends of the Birth Center, along with a post-show talkbalk with the Abby Epstein, the director of the movie, and Ricki Lake, the producer, followed by a […]

Also posted in Birth Centers, Birth Education, Homebirth, Hospitals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery, News, Politics, Reviews | 6 Comments

Comprehensive exams: pshaw!

Well, they’re done! Not “pshaw” as in “piece of cake”, but “pshaw” as in: “well, they’re done, don’t know if we passed or not, but at least it’s OVER!” We took our Comprehensive exams yesterday, and all in all, the entire experience feels somewhat anti-climatic: so much preparing and worrying and stress and studying, drilling […]

Also posted in Academia | 2 Comments

Two week count-down

My Comprehensive Exams are in less than two weeks. Yes, you heard that right: LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!!  Aaaaiiiiiieeeeeee!!!!  Two measley weeks in which to review all of well-woman gynecology, primary care, neonatology, antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum and professional issues.  Seems rather daunting and impossible, right?  I agree.  However, I’m doing my best not to dwell […]

Also posted in Academia, Clinicals | 4 Comments

The need for speed

I’ve been under a lot of pressure lately to become much much MUCH faster at my clinic visits. My clinicals are at a very high volume clinic where the midwives (two to three, depending on the schedule) can often see about 35 patients in a day. This means that each midwife, on the days that […]

Also posted in Clinicals, Hospitals, Midwifery | 7 Comments

The final push

Seems like I spend a lot of time telling women in labor to breathe, but I really need to take a moment to remind myself of this as well. And breathe again. “Overwhelmed” doesn’t even begin to cut it these days. Burnt-out seems closer to the truth sometimes. My schedule is relentless, and now that […]

Also posted in Academia, Clinicals, Midwifery | 5 Comments

Messy birth

Someone asked me once how I can stand to be around birth all the time, with all its sights and smells and liquids and mess. I told this person that honestly, I very rarely notice it, and it doesn’t bother me, obviously, or else how could I continue to do this day in and day […]

Also posted in Birth Stories, Clinicals, Labor and Birth, Midwifery | 2 Comments

Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term

I’ve been meaning to post this post for ages, but was never able to finish it during the school year last year. All of this comes from the research project that I worked on last year for 2 semesters as part of my research class, and even though I had to radically alter the goal […]

Also posted in Academia, Complications, Hospitals, Journal Articles, Labor and Birth, Research | 7 Comments