Well done, NPR!

NPR has a great series up on their website right now called Beginnings: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Beyond, which explores myriad aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, from cultural, economic, global and scientific perspectives.  Overall, an incredibly balanced and informative series, well worth checking out (I’m especially enjoying the Baby Project, which is a blog following the fate of 9 pregnant women spread throughout the US from pregnancy through birth and the immediate postpartum and newborn days.  (Quite an adventure, and especially poignant given that I’ve just journeyed down this road myself).  Their current post on The Baby Project is a break-down of the different drugs used in L&D, which is fairly balanced, although I think they could have spent a bit more time discussing the risks as well as the benefits of many of the drugs.  The comments are just amazing, though–as if people have failed to notice that this article on drugs is just one very small piece of the overall series, and that equal time has been given to natural childbirth, as well as high-risk situations which warrant different medical approaches.  In any case, well done, NPR!  I am lapping this series up, keep it coming, please!

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