Eeegads, we’ve been hacked!

Hi, long-lost ladies and gents!  I’ve been highly incognito, as the lack of action on this blog can attest to, and the legions of Viagra spammers took advantage of this and basically knocked  my blog out of commission, buried under mountains of spam (of course, the fact that I hadn’t upgraded my WordPress version in eons didn’t help, either).  It got so bad that our web host actually had to pull us down, and this site was officially non-existent for a whole three weeks.  *gasp*  I know, I know, it’s not like I’ve been posting much anyway, but it nearly broke my heart to think of all of that hard work and writing, not to mention the saga of my student years, lost for good.  So, all praise to the Beloved Boy, who has since saved the day by upgrading my version of WordPress, convincing DreamHost to re-host us after promising them we wouldn’t let the Legions of Spam get the upper hand again, and !voila, getting this site up and running once more.  Sadly, the old template no longer exists, so bear with us as we continue to fine-tune and play with the new theme until it looks somewhat like the old.  At least all of the writing and links are (more or less) intact.  And with that, I also promise to start to post once again, at the very least to keep the Legions of Spam at bay!  Onward, to glory!

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