My Beautiful Cervix

This is a site I found through Women’s Health News, but I felt it really deserved a post all its own.  A midwifery student decided to take a picture of her cervix every day for one entire menstrual cycle, and the pictures are absolutely amazing.  I want to print them out and show them to all of my clients who are trying to conceive as a way of illustrating what fertile cervical mucus looks like, and when they should be having sex!  She has entitled the website My Beautiful Cervix, and I can’t think of a more appropriate name.  I really need to get a mirror in my exam room and start to show women their cervix during our exams.  Women really need to see their cervix to understand.  There’s something so powerful and so positive and affirming about seeing this amazing, hidden, little secret thing inside of you that you never get a chance to see, and yet is always humming along, doing her thing.  It’s truly eye-opening.  I will never, ever forget the very first time I saw my own cervix.  In fact, I am somewhat tempted to take pictures of my own cervix for a month, and join her project.  Anyway, massive kudos to her courage and ingenuity in getting these pictures online.  Hopefully she won’t be forced to move the website again, due to heavy traffic and complaints about “inappropriate images”.  It’s only a cervix, after all.  Just think of how much more peaceful our world would be if the defining symbol underlying our culture was a cervix instead of a phallus.

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