AMCB Board Exam Two Days Away

So, I wish I had more to report (actually, I have a lot more to report; somehow, our program seemed to totally skip of vulvar problems and conditions, such as lichen sclerosus and lichen planus and hidradenitis suppurativa and vulvodynia, so I’ve been learning about all of this while studying for my boards, and it’s very interesting stuff which deserves a post all on its own)…but in any case, my last week or so has been mostly spent with my nose in a book.  On the one hand, it’s been quite frustrating (I’m so sick of studying, truly!) and on the other hand, quite gratifying (almost all of it is review, and I think I know a lot more than I think I do), with the usual mix of stress and nerves thrown in for good measure.

My board exam is this Friday, at 9:00 am.  It’s 185 questions, and will take approximately 4 hours.  When I finish, I will find out immediately if I passed or not.  If I pass, I’m a midwife (!!!!!!!), certified and DONE and eligible to become licensed.  Mega-hella-w00t!  But I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself.  Today was IP cram day.  Yesterday was AP cram day.  Monday was Primary Care cram day.  Last friday was Family Planning/ Well-woman Gynecology cram day.  Tomorrow is PP and Professional Issues.  Tomorrow will also be practice-tests-until-your-fingers-fall-off day.  My birthday is on June 30th, btw.  I’ll be turning 30.  So, I will potentially be able to celebrate being a midwife and turning 30 on the same day.  How cool would that be????

But I don’t want to get ahead of myself.  One day at a time; for now, I’ve gotta get back to the nonstop STD/TB/HepB/pap management review.  Yeah, baby.

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