Selected Bibliography on Birth Centers

This is in follow-up to last week’s post about ACOG’s recent new policy on out-of-hospital birth. The American Association of Birth Centers wrote a detailed and very well researched response, and included a 2 page selected bibliography on the safety and efficacy of birth centers at the end of the letter. I thought I’d just post the bibliography here, for all of us to peruse in our spare time (you know, that mythical thing where in theory you have the freedom and liesure and ability to pursue areas of intellectual interest and research to you). More importantly, maybe this bibliography will come in handy to any fellow students out there who’re up against deadlines and frantically working on their research projects on birth centers. Enjoy!

    Albers, L.l. & Katz, V. L. (1991). Birth setting for low-risk pregnancies: An analysis of the current literature. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 36(4),215-220.

    American Public Health Association (1983). 8209 (PP): Guidelines for licensing and regulating birth centers. American Journal of Public Health, 73(3), 331-334.

    Ballard, R.A. (1979). Changing the environment for birth, an alternative birth center in the hospital. In Lindheim, R. (Ed.), Environments for humanized health care (pp. 83-89). Berkeley, CA: University of California.

    Ballard, RA, Ferris, C, & Clyman, RI (1985). The hospital alternative birth center: is it safe? Experience in 1000 cases from 1976 to 1980. Journal of Perinatology, 5(61-64).

    Bennetts, A. (1982). The first national collaborative study of birth centers. Cooperative Birth Center Network News, (February/May), 12-13.

    Bennetts, A.B. & Lubic, R.W. (1982). The free-standing birth centre. The Lancet, February 13, 378-380.

    Campbell, R. & MacFarlane, A. (1986). Place of delivery: a review. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 93, 675-683.

    Campbell, R. & MacFarlane, A. (1987). Where to be born. Oxford: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit Publication.

    Chamberlain, M., Nair, R., Nimrod, C., Moyer, A., & England, J. (1998). Evaluation of a midwifery birthing center in the Canadian north. Circumpolar Health, 57(1), 116-120.

    Cunningham, J.D. (1993). Experiences of Australian mothers who gave birth either at home, at a birth centre, or in hospital labour wards. Social Science & Medicine, 36(4), 475-483.

    Declercq, E. R. (1984). Out-of-Hospital Births, U.S., 1978: Birth Weight and Apgar Scores as Measures of Outcome. Public Health Reports, 99(1), 63-73.

    DeJong, R. N., Shy, K., & Carr, K.C. (1981). An Out-of-Hospital Birth Center Using University Referral. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 58(6), 703-707.

    DeVries, R.G. (1983). Image and reality: an evaluation of hospital alternative birth centers. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 28(3), 3-9.

    Dickinson, C.P., Jackson, D.J. & Swartz, W.H. (1994). Mainstreaming the alternative: maintaining a family centered focus at a freestanding birth center for low-income women. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 39, 112-118.

    Eakins, P.S. (1989). Free-standing birth centers in California; program and medical outcome. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 34(12), 960-970.

    Faison, J.B., Pisani, B.J., Douglas, R.G., Cranch, G.S., & Lubic, R.W. (1979). The child bearing center: an alternative birth setting. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 54(4), 527-532.

    Feldman, E. & Hurst, M. (1987). Outcomes and procedures in low risk birth: a comparison of hospital and birth center settings. Birth, 14(1), 18-24.

    Ferris, C. (1976). The alternative birth center at Mount Zion hospital. Birth and Family Journal, 3(1), 127-128.

    Fleming, A.S., Ruble, D.N. & Anderson, V. (1988). Place of childbirth influences feelings of satisfatction and control in first-time mothers. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, 8, 1-17.

    Fullerton, J. D. T. (1982). The choice of in-hospital or alternative birth environment as related to the concept of control Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 27(2), 17-22.

    Fullerton, J.T., Jackson, D., Snell, B.J., Besser, M., Dickinson, C., Garite, T. (1997). Transfer rates from freestanding birth centers; a comparison with the national birth center study. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 42(1), 9-16.

    Fullerton, J.T. & Severino, R. (1992). In-hospital care for low-risk childbirth; a comparison with results from the national childbirth center study. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 37(5), 331-340.

    Garite, T.J., Snell, B.J., Walker, D.L., & Darrow, V.C. (1995). Development and experience of a university-based, freestanding birthing center. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 86(3), 411-416.

    Gilson, G.J., O’Brien, M.E., Vera R. W., Mays, M.E., Smith, D. R., & Ross, C.Y. (1988). Prolonged pregnancy and the biophysical profile; a birthing center perspective. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 33(4), 171-177.

    Gilson, GJ., O’Brien, M.E., Vera, R.W., Block, A., & Grubb, P.N. (1988). Expectant management of premature rupture of membranes at term in a birthing center setting. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 33(3), 134-139.

    Gottvall K, Winbladh B, Cnattingius S, Waldenstrom U.. Birth centre care over a 10-year period: infant morbidity during the first month after birth. Acta Paediatr. 2005 Sep;94(9):1253-60

    Hodnett ED, Downe S, Edwards N, Walsh D. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005 Jan 25;(1):CD000012.

    Hodnett, E.D. (28 September 1998). Home-like versus conventional institutional settings for birth (Research Rep. No. 1, 2000). : The Cochrane Library.

    Holz, K., Cooney, C., & Marchese, T. (1989). Outcomes of mature primiparas in an out-of-hospital birth center. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 34(4),185-189.

    Institute of Medicine and National Research Council (1982). Research issues in the assessment of birth settings. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

    Jackson, D. et al, Outcomes, safety and resource utilization in a collaborative care birth center program compared with traditional physician-based perinatal care. American Journal of Public Health, Vol 93 No 6, 999-1006, June 2003

    Jackson, D.J., Lang, J.M., Dickinson, C.P., & Fullerton, J.T. (1994). Use of the nurse-midwifery clinical data set for classification of subjects in birth center research. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 39(4), 197-213.

    Laube, D.W. (1983). Experience with an alternative birth center in a university hospital. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 28, 391-396.

    Lieberman, E. and Ryan, K. J. (1989). Birth-Day Choices. The New England Journal of Medicine, 321, 1824-1825.

    Lindheim, R. (1981). Birthing centers and hospices: reclaiming birth and death. Annual Review of Public Health, 2(1), 1-29.

    Lubic, R (1982). Evaluation of an out-of-hospital maternity center for low-risk patients. In Akien, L (Ed.), Health policy and nursing practice (1st. ed.) New York, New York: McGraw- Hill.

    Lubic, R.W. (1999). Giving birth is powerful. Bulletin of Zero to Three: National Center for Infants. Toddlers and Families, 19(4), 20-24.

    Lubic, R.W. & Ernst, E.K.M. (1978). The childbearing center: an alternative to conventional care. Nursing Outlook, December, 754-760.

    Maternity Center Association (1989). The economic rationale for the freestanding birth center: a case study. New York, New York: Maternity Center Association.

    McClain, C. S. (1983). Perceived Risk and Choice of Childbirth Service. Soc. Sci. Medicine, 17(23), 1857-1865.

    Murdaugh, S.A. (1976). Experiences of a new migrant health care clinic. Women and Health, 1, 25-29.

    Olsen, O. (1997). Meta-Analysis of the Safety of Home Birth. Birth, 24(1), 4-13.

    Olsen, O. & Jewell, M.D. (20 April 1998). Home versus hospital birth (Research Rep. No. 1,2000): The Cochrane Library.

    Paneth, M., Kiely, J.L., Wallenstein, S., & Susser, M. (1987). The choice of place of delivery. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 141, 60-64.

    Proctor, S. (1998). What determines quality in maternity care? Comparing the perceptions of childbearing women and midwives. Birth, 25(2), 85-93.

    Public Health Service (1999). In (Ed.), Progress Review: Maternal and Infant Health (Healthy People): Department of Health & Human Services.

    Rice, A. & Carty, E. (1977). Alternative Birth Centers. The Canadian Nurse, November, 31-34.

    Richards, M.P.M. (1978). A place of safety? An examination of the risks of hospital delivery. In Kitzinger, S. & Davis, J.A. (Eds.), The Place of Birth (1st. ed.) (pp. 66-84). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

    Rooks, J. (1999). Journal Review: The Stockholm Birth Centre Trial. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 44(2), 159-161.

    Rooks, J.P., Weatherby, N.L., & Ernst, E.K.M. (1992). The national birth center study: part I-methodology and prenatal care and referrals. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 37(4), 222-253.

    Rooks, J.P., Weatherby, N.L., & Ernst, E.K.M. (1992). The national birth center study: part II-intrapartum and immediate postpartum and neonatal care. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 37(5), 301-330.

    Rooks,J.P., Weatherby, N.L., & Ernst, E.K.M. (1992). The national birth center study: part III-intrapartum and immediate postpartum and neonatal complications and transfers, postpartum and neonatal care, outcomes, and client satisfaction. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 37(6), 361-397.

    Rooks, J.P., Weatherby, N.L., Ernst, E.K.M., Stapleton, S., Rosen, D., & Rosenfeld, A. (1989). Outcomes of care in birth centers; the national birth center study. The New England Journal of Medicine, 321(26), 1804-1811.

    Scupholme, A., McLeod, A.G.W., & Robertson, E.G. (1986). A birth center affiliated with the tertiary care center: comparison of outcome. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 67(4), 598-603.

    Smith, S. (1980). Adapting the birthing center concept to a traditional hospital setting. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing, (March/April), 103-106.

    Soderstrom, B., Stewart, P.J., Kaitell, C., & Chamberlain, M. (1990). Interest in alternative birthplaces among women in Ottawa-Carleton. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 142(9), 963-969.

    Spitzer, M.C. (1995). Birth centers: economy, safety, and employment. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 40(4), 371-375.

    Stern, C., Permezel, M., Petterson, C., Lawson, J., Eggers, T., & Kloss, M. (1992). The royal women’s hospital family birth centre: the first 10 years reviewed. Australian and New Zealand. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 32(4), 291-296.

    Stone, P.W. & Walker, P.H. (1995). Cost-effectiveness analysis: birth center vs. hospital care. Nursing Economics, 13(5), 229-308.

    Tew, M. (1978). The case against hospital deliveries: the statistical evidence. In Kitzinger, S. & Davis, J.A. (Eds.), The Place of Birth (1st. ed.) (pp. 55-65). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press

    Waldenstrom, U. & Nilsson, C.-A. (1994). Experience of childbirth in birth center care; a randomized controlled study. Acta Ostetricia et Gynecologia Scandinavica, 73, 547-554.

    Waldenstrom, U. & Nilsson, C.-A. (1993). Characteristics of women choosing birth center care. Acta Ostetricia et Gynecologia Scandinavica, 72, 181-188.

    Waldenstrom, U. & Nilsson, C.-A. (1993). Women’s satisfaction with birth center care: a randomized, controlled study Birth, 20(1), 3-13.

    Waldenstrom, U., Nilsson, C.-A., & Winbladh, B. (1997). The Stockholm birth centre trial: maternal and infant outcome British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 104, 410-418.

    Zabreck, E., Simon, P., & Benrubi, G. (1983). The alternative birth center in Jacksonville, Florida: the first two years. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 28(4), 31-36.

Nice bibliography, eh?

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