Into My Hands

While studying for our upcoming neonatology final at a friend’s house tonight, I accidentally stumbled upon her beautiful birth record book: Into My Hands from the Eagle Tree Press (which is a really cool website, check it out while you’re there!). My own birth record book, where I’ve been keeping tabs on the vital stats from all of the births I’ve attended as a student midwife, is a very sparse and sad affair compared to Into My Hands. The really nice feature of this book is the fact that it gives you plenty of room to journal about each birth, instead of just writing down quick statistics. In the long run, I think this must really make a difference in helping you to remember each birth, and all of the special moments that made it unique. Paging through my own book, I can certainly recall vividly quite a few of the births, but a few of them are already a bit foggy, despite my vital stats. For one of them, I can no longer picture her face, and it’s only been a few weeks since I caught her baby! Ack! That’s not how this is supposed to go. My friend swears by Into My Hands, saying that as soon as she reads her little journal description of the birth, it all comes pouring back to her. Duh. Journaling about each birth is something I had wanted to do all along, and was hoping to do here on this website, but alas, things have been keeping me very busy of late. The point being, I’m going to get this book STAT, and start using it right away, instead of the birth log I’ve been using so far. I don’t want to forget a single birth. Student midwives/ midwives of the world: check this out!

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