Cervical cancer vaccine approved

The FDA has recently approved Gardasil, Merck’s vaccine that helps prevent cervical cancer caused by Human Papilloma virus (HPV) strains 6, 11, 16 and 18. This is incredibly exciting news, since this is the first vaccine to target cervical cancer, and the first ever vaccine for cancer, period (amazing! a vaccine for cancer!!!). The vaccine has been approved for young women ages 9 to 26, but the recommendation is to give it to girls ages 11 and 12, preferably before they’ve had sex for the first time.

I was listening to a discussion on the radio this morning about Gardasil and the issues that surround its use, and opinions seem to be pretty reasonable on all sides of the debate. Conservative group are not opposing the vaccine itself, but are arguing against making it mandatory. From the NY Times article on the subject:

    “Despite rumors to the contrary, our organization doesn’t oppose the vaccine and we have taken no position regarding mandatory laws,” said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women of America, a conservative group based in Washington.

    Some groups support the vaccine but oppose mandatory vaccinations because cervical cancer is caused by a sexually transmitted virus.

    “We can prevent it by the best public health method, and that’s not having sex before marriage,” said Linda Klepacki of Focus on the Family, a Christian advocacy organization based in Colorado Springs.

That’s a very good strategy, but what if the husband you’ve saved yourself for just so happens to have HPV? While not having sex is certainly a sure-fire way to avoid HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases, women can still get HPV on their wedding night from their very first sexual contact. A vaccine doesn’t promote promiscuity, but rather protects you from a very very very very very common STD that many people (men especially) do not even know they have.

Making this vaccine mandatory may help ensure that it’s covered by insurance companies and federal programs which might otherwise choose not to pay for such an expensive drug (a 3-part series over 6 months, costing $120 per shot, so $360 total). From the same Times article above:

    A federal program is expected to provide the vaccine to 45 percent of the children in the United States for whom it is recommended. But state programs that cover other children are having trouble buying other expensive vaccines.

    North Carolina, for instance, spends $11 million annually to provide every child with seven vaccines. Gardasil alone would probably cost at least another $10 million.

    “Increasingly, states are asked to make a Sophie’s choice about which diseases they will allow children to be hospitalized or killed by,” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

It will be interesting to see how all of this unfolds, but for now, it’s enough just to know that this vaccine has finally been approved. As Dr. Sedlis (the guest professor who lectured us on the interpretation of pap smears) jokingly said, if this vaccine becomes widespread, gynecologists are going to be out of a job in 20 years, since pap smears and the mangement of abnormal paps is their bread and butter. This is a vaccine that could possibly someday eliminate the need for routine pap screening for all women, and make cervical cancer, which is already rare in this country, all but obsolete. That’s pretty powerful stuff!

Slate Article: very astute break down of many of the issues surrounding the vaccine, including the costs, benefits and risks and moral issues, well worth reading.
Moderately Insane: HPV Insanity: interesting break down the risks v. benefits of the HPV vaccine, in very plain English.
Women’s Health News post on HPV vaccine, full of amazing resources, per usual.

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