Hitting the wall

Have definitely gotten to the point tonight that nothing is sinking in anymore. I feel like I’m a sponge full of water, and if you add more water to my oversoaked brain right now, water is just going to end up spilling out of it. Our first exam is tomorrow (well-woman gynecology). I feel woefully underprepared, but maybe that’s because the topics are so overwhelming: abnormal uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, infertility…any one of these things could be caused by so many different things, and requires such extensive work ups that really…I just have no clue. And the answer can’t be to refer to a physician all the time, but honestly…it’s all just a bit too overwhelming. My eyes keep glazing over. If I don’t know it by now, there’s no way I’m going to be able to learn it tonight. I guess that means it’s time for bed.

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