Up for air

It’s been awhile. Where has your intrepid student midwife been, lately?? Good question! I’ve been trying so hard to get some writing done for Belly Tales, but lately I’ve been so exhausted at night that all I do is crawl into bed around 1:00 am after finishing my homework, only to wake up the next morning for clinicals, and the day starts all over again. I’ve been squeezing work in whenever I can…and a life? Ha!

However, some really incredible things have been happening lately, and I have so much to write about and share with all of you. I’ve been making lots of notes about things I need to write about just as soon as I have a chance, and I’m really hoping that this summer will allow me an opportunity to get some good writing done. In the meantime, I’ve attended a few really nice births at work (and one not-so-nice birth which really deserves a post…see above). Clinicals are getting slightly easier, which is not to say that I have any more of a clue, but only that I’m finally learning the routine at the clinic, so things are running a bit smoother. So much more I could say about that, but again, I’ll have to leave it for a seperate post. Plus, there’s the news to contend with, most notably the soaring cesarean rate in the US, and the NIH State-of-the-science recommendations for elective cesearean sections, along with all the attendant press coverage. Soooo many posts needing to be written about that.

On the school front, here’s the quick run-down: three weeks ago, Well-woman Gynecology exam (did very well), two weeks ago, Antepartum exam (did well enough), last week, 3rd chapter of my reasearch proposal due on monday (stayed up very late, got it done on time, grade still to come), a case study due for Antepartum on Wednesday, and a presentation on the Midwifery Practice Act for Professional Issues in Midwifery, also on Wed. (both of which went quite well, especially the one for Professional Issues, where we performed a small skit for the class that presented the pros and cons of the Act. And, of course, speaking of the Midwifery Practice Act, that’s a pretty major piece of legislation which also deserves a post all its own).

As the semester has gotten more intense, I’ve quickly discovered that blogging is a full time job. Which is difficult when one already has a full time job (school), plus a part time job (work), plus clinicals (does that count as part of the full time job?). And someone please remind me to do my taxes and fill out my FAFSA, both of which are due very very soon. Good lord, how did it get to be April already?? Where has the time gone?

In conclusion, please don’t give up on me! At least the semester will be over soon. The weather is gorgeous, my beloved boy has finally gotten his visa, and has moved from London to live with me here in New York, and life, though busy, is really really good. Can’t complain, just bear with me if the posts aren’t coming quite as fast and furious as I wish they were. At this point, I feel like I’m just hanging on as best as I can, and counting down the days to the summer.

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