Antepartum Blues

Well, I didn’t fail my Antepartum exam last Friday by any means, but I didn’t do nearly as well as I had wanted to do. When I left the exam, I was actually feeling pretty confident about it. Somehow, my grade did not quite reflect this confidence, which is a bit distressing, especially given that 1) this is antepartum, i.e. all about prenatal care and pregnant women, i.e. REALLY IMPORTANT and 2) I hold myself to pretty high academic standards, and generally, I’m able to meet those standards well enough, but this grade was altogether diappointing. My first disappointing grade since I started this program, in fact.

I’ve made an appointment with the professor to go in and review the exam and figure out where the gaps in my knowledge were, and I’ve made a few promises to myself to work a little bit harder on my modules and studying etc. etc. (although, to be honest, I feel like I already do work pretty hard on this stuff, as is, but obviously, my last bout of studying didn’t quite cut it). Anyway, I guess there are always days like this in every student’s career.

In other news: clinicals start next week. Aaaaaaiiiieeeee!!

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