
This is a site for women who love their bodies.

This is a site for women who are learning to love their bodies more.

This is a site for every body—for the wiry bodies, taut like springs, for the wide-hipped bodies, made in the image of Demeter. For creamy, curvaceous bodies, blackcurrant bodies, coffee bean bodies, bodies freckled like a spattering of rain. This is a site for bodies that do things: bodies that stretch, bodies that dance, bodies that make love, bodies that give birth.

This is a site for women who believe in their bodies. This is a site for women who believe that their bodies can do extraordinary, miraculous things. This is a site for women who believe that their bodies can give birth.

This is a site for men who love women, for women who love women, for women who love their sisters.

This is a site for women who love themselves.

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